Era uma vez uma linda menina, que morava com sua mãe, numa bela casinha. Ela sempre usava uma capa com um chapeuzinho bem vermelho.
Certo dia, sua mãe pediu que ela fosse levar uma cestinha de doces, para sua vovó:
– Chapeuzinho, evite o caminho da floresta que é perigoso, vá pelo bosque e não fale com estranhos.
Chapeuzinho adorava sua avó, e saiu em disparada, cantando de alegria. Queria fazer uma surpresa para vovó e começou a colher as flores que encontrava no caminho. A menina estava distraída com as flores, quando deu de cara com o lobo mau. Ela não sabia que ele era o lobo malvado, mas não se assustou e nem sentiu medo.
– Bom dia, chapeuzinho Vermelho.
– Bom dia.
– Aonde você está indo assim tão cedinho?
– Vou visitar minha vovozinha, que está muito doente.
O lobo, como era muito esperto, disse a ela bem depressa:
– Por que não vai pela floresta, que é bem mais perto?
Ela ficou em dúvida, porque não gostava de desobedecer sua mãe, mas resolveu seguir o conselho do lobo. Enquanto chapeuzinho seguia pelo caminho da floresta, o lobo rapidamente seguiu pelo bosque, cantando e correndo. O lobo chegou na casa da vovozinha e bateu na porta:
_Quem está aí? — Perguntou a velhinha.
O lobo respondeu, disfarçando a voz:
– Sou eu, Chapeuzinho Vermelho.
– Entre minha querida, aporta está aberta.
O lobo, que era muito rápido, foi entrando e de uma só vez engoliu a vovozinha. Depois vestiu as roupas dela, e ficou esperando Chapeuzinho Vermelho. Chegando na casa da vovó, ela encontrou o lobo e perguntou:
– Vovó! Por que suas orelhas estão tão grandes?
– É para te ouvir melhor.
– Vovó! Para que esses olhos tão grandes?
– É para te ver melhor.
– Credo vovó, por que a senhora está com essa boca tão grande?
– É para te comer! — respondeu o lobo.
Dizendo isso, o lobo começou a correr atras de Chapeuzinho. Depois de algum tempo ele tropeçou e caiu no chão. Enquanto isso a menina escondeu dentro de um velho armário. O lobo resolveu dar uma cochilada e começou a roncar. Um caçador que passava escutou:
– Que ronco esquisito?
Ele entrou, e encontrou o lobo:
– Ah! É você que está aí seu malvado!
Escutando isso, Chapeuzinho apareceu e contou toda a história para o caçador. Aproveitando que o lobo estava dormindo, cortaram a sua a barriga, e tiraram a vovózinha de dentro. As duas se abraçaram muito felizes.
– E agora o que faremos com esse malvado?
Os três resolveram encher a barriga do lobo de pedras. Quando o lobo acordou, tentou fugir, mas ele caiu e nunca mais levantou. Todos ficaram aliviados e felizes. O caçador foi embora, e as duas foram se sentar na varanda e saborear os doces. Chapeuzinho prometeu nunca mais desobedecer a sua mãezinha. traduzir para inglês por. favor
Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl who lived with her mother in a nice little house. She always wore a cape with a pretty red hood.
One day her mother asked her to bring a basket of candy to her grandma:
- Little hood, avoid the dangerous forest path, go through the woods and don't talk to strangers.
Little Red Riding Hood adored his grandmother, and went off, singing for joy. She wanted to surprise Grandma and started picking the flowers she found on the way. The girl was distracted by the flowers when she ran into the big bad wolf. She didn't know he was the mean wolf, but she wasn't scared or scared.
- Good morning, Little Red Riding Hood.
- Good Morning.
"Where are you going that early?"
"I will visit my grandmother, who is very ill."
The wolf, as he was very clever, told her very quickly:
"Why don't you go through the forest, which is much closer?"
She wondered, because she didn't like disobeying her mother, but decided to follow the wolf's advice. As Little Red Riding Hood headed down the forest path, the wolf quickly followed through the woods, singing and running. The wolf arrived at Grandma's house and knocked on the door.
_Who's there? Asked the old lady.
The wolf answered, disguising his voice.
- It's me, Little Red Riding Hood.
- Between my dear, the door is open.
The wolf, which was very fast, came in and at once swallowed the grandmother. Then he put on her clothes and waited for Little Red Riding Hood. Arriving at Grandma's house, she found the wolf and asked:
- Grandmother! Why are your ears so big?
- It's to hear you better.
- Grandmother! Why are these eyes so big?
- It's to see you better.
"Grandma, why are you with that big mouth?"
- It's to eat you! Answered the wolf.
Saying that, the wolf started running after Little Riding Hood. After a while he tripped and fell to the ground. Meanwhile the girl hid in an old closet. The wolf took a nap and began to snore. A passing hunter listened:
- What a weird snore?
He entered, and found the wolf:
- Ah! It's you, you evil one!
Hearing this, Little Riding Hood appeared and told the whole story to the hunter. Taking advantage that the wolf was sleeping, they cut his belly, and took Grandma out. The two hugged each other very happy.
"And now what are we going to do with this bad guy?"
The three decided to fill the wolf's belly with stones. When the wolf woke up, he tried to escape, but he fell and never got up. Everyone was relieved and happy. The hunter left, and they went to sit on the porch and enjoy the sweets. Little Red Riding Hood promised never to disobey
A questão está falando a respeito da tradução de um texto do português para o inglês.
Chapeuzinho vermelho
Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl who lived with her mother in a nice little house. She always wore a cape with a pretty red hood.
One day her mother asked her to bring a basket of candy to her grandma:
- Little hood, avoid the dangerous forest path, go through the woods and don't talk to strangers.
Little Red Riding Hood adored his grandmother, and went off, singing for joy. She wanted to surprise Grandma and started picking the flowers she found on the way. The girl was distracted by the flowers when she ran into the big bad wolf. She didn't know he was the mean wolf, but she wasn't scared or scared.
- Good morning, Little Red Riding Hood.
- Good Morning.
"Where are you going that early?"
"I will visit my grandmother, who is very ill."
The wolf, as he was very clever, told her very quickly:
"Why don't you go through the forest, which is much closer?"
She wondered, because she didn't like disobeying her mother, but decided to follow the wolf's advice. As Little Red Riding Hood headed down the forest path, the wolf quickly followed through the woods, singing and running. The wolf arrived at Grandma's house and knocked on the door.
_Who's there? Asked the old lady.
The wolf answered, disguising his voice.
- It's me, Little Red Riding Hood.
- Between my dear, the door is open.
The wolf, which was very fast, came in and at once swallowed the grandmother. Then he put on her clothes and waited for Little Red Riding Hood. Arriving at Grandma's house, she found the wolf and asked:
- Grandmother! Why are your ears so big?
- It's to hear you better.
- Grandmother! Why are these eyes so big?
- It's to see you better.
"Grandma, why are you with that big mouth?"
- It's to eat you! Answered the wolf.
Saying that, the wolf started running after Little Riding Hood. After a while he tripped and fell to the ground. Meanwhile the girl hid in an old closet. The wolf took a nap and began to snore. A passing hunter listened:
- What a weird snore?
He entered, and found the wolf:
- Ah! It's you, you evil one!
Hearing this, Little Riding Hood appeared and told the whole story to the hunter. Taking advantage that the wolf was sleeping, they cut his belly, and took Grandma out. The two hugged each other very happy.
"And now what are we going to do with this bad guy?"
The three decided to fill the wolf's belly with stones. When the wolf woke up, he tried to escape, but he fell and never got up. Everyone was relieved and happy. The hunter left, and they went to sit on the porch and enjoy the sweets. Little Red Riding Hood promised never to disobey.
Para saber mais sobre chapeuzinho vermelho, acesse: