Preciso de 10 frases no c/simpes future -will. Sendo 10 na forma afirmativa,10 na forma negativa e 10 na forma interrogativa
I will go to Europe next year.
She will buy a new book.
He will study in Harvard.
We will meet our friends at the party.
They will talk to their teacher.
I will do my homework.
They will play soccer in the backyard.
Your mother will cook dinner.
Your brother will buy you a sandwich.
John will pay in cash.
I won't be home tomorrow.
She won't do her homework.
You won't go to play soccer.
We won't invite John to the party.
They won't ride a bike.
Your father won't take you to school.
You won't buy me a sandwich.
We won't meet our friends tomorrow.
She won't ride a horse.
I won't read the magazine.
Will she come tomorrow?
Will you talk to me later?
Will they ride a horse ?
Will John invite Susan for his birthday party?
Will Susan accept John's invitation?
Will you buy me a sandwich?
Will Mary read a new book?
Will your parents leave you alone at home tomorrow?
Will David watch TV tomorrow night?
Will your father take you to school?