Bullying is the practice of intentional and repeated acts of physical or psychological violence perpetrated by one or more perpetrators against a particular victim. In other words, it means all kinds of physical or verbal torture that plagues a large number of victims in Brazil and in the world. Bullying can occur in any environment where there is interpersonal contact, whether in the club, church, family or school. Gradually the effective fight against bullying is gaining importance in the media and NGOs engaged in anti-bullying campaigns. This is because this practice has increased considerably in recent years in the country and in the world.
Such practice is characterized by constant aggressions, which can be of a physical, verbal and psychological order (usually all three occur), in which an individual or a group humiliates, curses, exposes and attacks another individual. We can only call systematic and constant behavior bullying, so that isolated episodes of physical or verbal aggression are not characterized in this way. We classify as bullying a behavior developed by children and adolescents, and, among adults, the practice similar to this is called moral harassment. Bullying happens in several ways: it can be expressed by vexing and systematically used nicknames, by harassing the victim, by humiliating the victim in front of a public, by exposing the victim to his physical or psychological characteristics, reaching, in many cases, aggression that can cause bodily injury. Cleo Fante, a scholar on the subject, says, in an article published in the magazine Super Interesting, that, until the 1970s, society did not see bullying as a problem, but as a normal phase of child development | 1 | Unfortunately, some people still maintain the backward mentality of viewing bullying as a joke or normal social behavior, in which some are dominated by being weaker and others are dominated by being stronger. This negligent behavior by some families and, sometimes, even by education professionals, can cause the victim to feel helpless and to believe that the error is in them, that they cannot defend themselves.