• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: deboraoliveirapbq633
  • Perguntado 7 anos atrás

quais sao as formas interrogativa, negatva e interrogativa negativa das frases : the are going to study Einten's theories next year, e a frase :We will visit Malala in 2020.?​


respondido por: williansl425


Positiva: They are going to study Eintein's theories next year.

Negativa: They are not / aren't going to study Eintein's theories next year.

Interrogativa : Are they going to study Eintein's theories next year ?

Positiva : We will visit Malala in 2020.

Negativa : We will not / won't visit Malala in 2020.

Interrogativa : Will we visit Malala in 2020 ?

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