• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: susanakuster
  • Perguntado 7 anos atrás

“O realismo na literatura inicia em meados do século XIX, na França, e se estende a toda Europa, visando agarrar o leitor pela identificação das banalidades do dia a dia, bem como por fatos da realidade. Nos Estados Unidos, William Dean Howells foi o primeiro autor a trazer a estética realista ao país, com a obra The Rise of Silas Lapham”. (PARADISO, 2015, p. 96). PARADISO, Silvio Ruiz. Literaturas em Língua Inglesa II. Maringá-Pr.: UniCesumar, 2015. Reimpresso em 2018. Leia o seguinte excerto da obra “The Rise of Silas Lapham”, de William Dean Howells: “But in the morning his skull was sore with the unconscious, night-long ache; and he rose cross and taciturn. They had a silent breakfast. In the cold grey light of the morning the glories of the night before showed poorer. Here and there a painful doubt obtruded itself and marred them with its awkward shadow. Penelope sent down word that she was not well, and was not coming to breakfast, and Lapham was glad to go to his office without seeing her. He was severe and silent all day with his clerks, and peremptory with customers. Of Corey he was slyly observant, and as the day wore away he grew more restively conscious. He sent out word by his office-boy that he would like to see Mr. Corey for a few minutes after closing. The type-writer girl had lingered too, as if she wished to speak with him, and Corey stood in abeyance as she went toward Lapham's door. "Can't see you to-night, Zerrilla," he said bluffly, but not unkindly. "Perhaps I'll call at the house, if it's important." "It is," said the girl, with a spoiled air of insistence. "Well," said Lapham, and, nodding to Corey to enter, he closed the door upon her. Then he turned to the young man and demanded: "Was I drunk last night?"” Disponível em: . Acesso em: 12/08/2019. Após a leitura do texto, analise as seguintes assertivas: I – O excerto “But in the morning his skull was sore with the unconscious, night-long ache; and he rose cross and taciturn. They had a silent breakfast. In the cold grey light of the morning the glories of the night before showed poorer” apresenta características realistas como a descrição de um personagem que sofre com dores de cabeça pela noite anterior e que segue para tomar café da manhã com outras pessoas. II – O excerto “Here and there a painful doubt obtruded itself and marred them with its awkward shadow. Penelope sent down word that she was not well, and was not coming to breakfast, and Lapham was glad to go to his office without seeing her” é um exemplo romântico da obra, pois apresenta o personagem principal tomando café com a sua esposa, Penelope. III – O excerto “He was severe and silent all day with his clerks, and peremptory with customers” apresenta características do personagem de forma realista, uma vez que é direto na descrição e não romantiza essas peculiaridades do momento. IV – Outro momento realista da obra é a conversa entre o personagem principal e Zerrila e, depois, do personagem principal com Corey, que apresenta temas corriqueiros do dia a dia, em “”Can't see you to-night, Zerrilla," he said bluffly, but not unkindly. "Perhaps I'll call at the house, if it's important." "It is," said the girl, with a spoiled air of insistence. "Well," said Lapham, and, nodding to Corey to enter, he closed the door upon her. Then he turned to the young man and demanded: "Was I drunk last night?"”. É correto o que se afirma em: Alternativas Alternativa 1: I e II, apenas. Alternativa 2: I, II e III, apenas. Alternativa 3: I, II e IV, apenas. Alternativa 4: I, III e IV, apenas. Alternativa 5: I, II, III e IV.


respondido por: hiolanda2012

Resposta: coloquei . I,III.IV


julianatstferna: também coloquei essa
respondido por: LarissaMoura3

Alternativa 4: I, III e IV, apenas.

A literatura começou a apresentar o estilo do realismo durante o século XIX, na França e a partir de então se espalhou pela Europa e caracterizava-se por identificar as banalidades do cotidiano e os fatos da realidade.

Considerando o exposto na questão, alguns trechos possuem características realistas como, por exemplo, a descrição de personagem que possui dores de cabeça, sem romantizar demais os acontecimentos do dia-a-dia.

Bons estudos!

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