• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: thainabrochini99
  • Perguntado 7 anos atrás

me ajuda nessas questões pfv



respondido por: hyekookies



a) He exercises twice a week and he rarely watches TV.

b) I know! That's why I'm filling out the application tomorrow.

c) I agree with you. I don't like this host very much.

d) I was thinking about ordering some lunch!

e) No, they are alive, but the river is very polluted.

f) Yes, I did. He was very upset.

4. Esta questão é pessoal, mas tentarei responder no seu lugar.

a) Only once.

b) No, I rarely change.

c) Some reality shows.

d) About answering these questions.

e) Yes, I do.

f) Host shows.


a) With.

b) About.

c) Live.

d) Truth.

e) To.

f) For.

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