• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: wwalv123
  • Perguntado 7 anos atrás

Alguém para me ajudar!!!! Preciso urgente!!!!!

The academic world presents many specific genres that circulate in that particular field. One of them is the article or paper, which is the main form of scientific diffusion. If you want paper to be accepted for publication in a scientific journal, the first step is to write an effective abstract”. (KIMINAMI, 2018, p. 130)

Read the following example of abstract:

“The Southwest shrub Juniperus communis (Juniper Berry) has many significant medicinal value in the Native American culture that has not been proven scientifically. One of the popular uses of Juniper berries aside from its detoxifying action is its potential to repel insects. This study focuses on the development of insect repellant from its essential oil obtained through steam distillation. 50 g of fresh berries was collected and dried for 5 days and is placed in a still tank with 100 mL of water for steam distillation using the Flinn Scientific Borosilicate Lab Kit. Gather the extracted oil and dilute 70% in three separate containers to be transferred into spray bottles. Testing involved the spraying of the dilute sample into a class jar with Anopheles juidthae (common NM mosquito) and compared this to the effect of a commercial insect repellant. After testing and comparing the result, the commercial insect repellant significantly showed that it is a better insect repellant compared to the J. communis diluted essential oil. However, the essential oil has also an insect repellant potential.

Disponível em: . Acesso em: 30 de set. 2019.

Taking the excerpt into account and the information about abstracts, analyze the following statements.

I. After reading this abstract, it is possible to understand the purpose of the research involving Juniper Berries and their use in creating an insect repellant, because the abstract presents a summary of the article.
II. Normally, in abstracts, it is presented the methodology of the research with some details, in order to make the reader understand what the research is about.
III. One element that can be found in an abstract is the summary of the results, in order to show the readers what they may expect by reading the whole research.
IV. One other move that is possible to be found in an abstract is the conclusion of the research, normally presented at the end of the text.

It is correct what is stated in:
Alternativa 1:
I and II, only.

Alternativa 2:
I, II and III, only.

Alternativa 3:
I, II and IV, only.

Alternativa 4:
I, III and IV, only.

Alternativa 5:


respondido por: claytonsapiencia





I  fala do repelente

II fala da metodologia isso é descrito no texto

III mostra o resultado

IV conclusão da pesquisa

O resumo especifica: a temática da pesquisa e o problema investigado, os objetivos principais, informações básicas acerca da  metodologia (por exemplo, tipo de coleta de dados, sujeitos envolvidos, etc.), e as conclusões mais relevantes perante os objetivos expostos.pesquisa

quem estiver estudando letras unicesumar 73998349045 add trocar informaçoes estou em práticas discursivas língua inglesa

respondido por: lucelenamaria


Alternativa 5, explicações pág. 133 do livro da UNICESUMAR.


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