• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: sonhosconquistado10
  • Perguntado 7 anos atrás

1. Complete as Alternativas abaixo com o question Tag correto.

A) They are dancing bailet, ______?

B) The students did the homework last week,_____?

C) My parents weren`t working yesterday,_____?

D) I am a good person, ______?

E) I' m not Australian, ______?

F) David will but a bew house nest year, ______?

G) Barbara plays volleyball very well, _____?

H) Let` s listening to the music, ______?

I) Close the door, ______?

J) The test was very difficult, _____?

K) The dogs are barking, _____?

L) Larissa and l had to studt hard, _____?

M) My teacher ins`t fron Canada, _____?

N) The cars Were over the bridge, ______?

O) Good students don`t do that, ______?



respondido por: CremildaBR


A) They are dancing ballet, aren't they?

B) The students did the homework last week, didn't they?

C) My parents weren`t working yesterday, were they?

D) I am a good person, aren't I?

E) I' m not Australian, am I?

F) David will buy a new house next year, won't he?

G) Barbara plays volleyball very well, doesn't she?

H) Let's listen to the music, shall we?

I) Close the door, will you?  ou Close the door, would you?

J) The test was very difficult, wasn't it?

K) The dogs are barking, aren't they?

L) Larissa and l had to study hard, hadn't we?

M) My teacher isn't from Canada, is she / is he?

N) The cars were over the bridge, weren't they?

O) Good students don't do that, do they?


As ''question tags'' são usadas para confirmar ou questionar uma determinada informação anteriormente mencionada em uma frase. (é como se fosse o nosso ''né?'')

A ''question tag'' sempre aparece no fim da sentença, separada por uma vírgula.

- A question tag tem que usar o mesmo verbo que está na primeira parte da frase, não se esquecendo dos auxiliares do - does - did e modal verbs, quando necessário.

- Se a sentença está na forma afirmativa, a question tag tem que ser na forma negativa.

- Se a sentença está na forma negativa, a question tag tem que ser na forma afirmativa.  

Exemplos em português:

Ele vai para casa, não vai? afirmativa - negativa

Ele não vai para casa, vai? negativa - afirmativa

Peter is going home, isn't he? afirmativa - negativa

They are not going to buy a new car, are they? negativa - afirmativa

Pedro doesn’t like broccoli, does he? → Pedro não gosta de brócolis, não é?

- Se a sentença não tem verbo to be, a question tag será feita usando o auxiliar DO - DOES para o presente e DID para o passado.

Paul likes to play golf, doesn't he? - afirmativa - negativa

Paul went to play golf, didn't he? - afirmativa passado - negativa

- Se a sentença tiver MODAL VERB , a question tag tem que ser feita usando a mesma modal verb.

She would like to go home now, wouldn't she?

We couldn't play soccer today, could we?

Quando a frase for na primeira pessoa do singular - I am, a question tag é feita com “are”, não com o “am”, porque o ''am'' não pode ser contraído com o ''not''.

I am a good student, aren't I?

I am going to London next week, aren't I?

I am late, aren't I?

Quando a frase for imperativa, a question tag deve usar WILL como auxiliar FORMAL  e WOULD - como auxiliar INFORMAL

Close the windows, will you?

Answer the phone, would you?


Quando usarmos LET’S na primeira frase, a question tag deve usar o auxiliar SHALL

Let’s study together tonight, shall we?

Let’s go out tomorrow night, shall we?

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