4- Read the text and answer the questions in English:
Diversity in America
Before I came to America I had dreams of life here. I thought about tall Anglos, big buildings,
and houses with lawns. I was surprised when I arrived to see so many kinds of people - black
people, Asians. I found people from Korea and Cambodia and México.
In California I found not just America, I found the world.
(Olsen - Voices from the Language Classroom, by M. Bailey and
Numan, 1996.)
a) O que o narrador esperava encontrar nos EUA?
b) Como ele se sentiu ao chegar lá?
c) O que ele encontrou nos EUA?
a) He hoped to find houses with lawns and big buildings.
b) He felt surprised by the diversity.
c) He found many kinds of people.
4. Para essa tarefa, precisamos ler o texto "Diversity in America" e então responder as perguntas em inglês:
a) O narrador pensava que veria anglos altos, grandes edifícios e casas com gramados.
The narrator thought he would see tall Angles, large buildings and houses with lawns.
b) Ele se sentiu surpreso ao chegar lá.
He was surprised when he got there.
c) Nos EUA ele encontrou vários tipos de pessoas, negros, asiáticos, pessoas da Coreia, da Camboja e do México.
In the USA he met many types of people, blacks, Asians, people from Korea, Cambodia and Mexico.
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