• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: Anaju2203
  • Perguntado 7 anos atrás

1- Complete as lacunas com a forma CORRETA do verbo TO BE:

A) Meg ________ from Scotland.
B) Larry and Frank ________ good students.
C) Clark and me _________ very inteligent !
D) I ________ from England.
E) Milton and you ________ my best friends.

2- Complete as lacunas com o Simple Future dos verbos pedidos:

A) Kate and Paul ________ (To Have) a new baby soon.
B) Barry ________ (To Buy) a new home next year.
C) Jonh and Gerry ________ (To Go) to Greece next week.
D) Lucy __________ (To leave) the school.


respondido por: leozimbrandao
Is / are / are / am / are /
Will have
Will buy
Will go
Will leave
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