• Matéria: ENEM
  • Autor: mrodriguesvlog9973
  • Perguntado 7 anos atrás

THE BOOK OF LIFE What makes you "you" and different from your friends or even the other members of your family? Three letters say a lot: DNA. Who you are depends on a lot of things, but each of us has a "book of life" in our cells. That book, the book of your life, is a present that you receive from your biological parents. It tells most of the story about who you are and how you grow. It helps determine how your body looks, functions, and responds to the things around you. Your "book of life" — your genome — is a code inside something called deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA. Life Science Daybook Great Source (Adapted) 128) ? It helps determine how your body looks, functions, and responds to the things around you. a) What this book help? d) What do this book helps? b) What does this book help? c) What does this book helps? e) What do this book help?


respondido por: andre19santos

A alternativa correta é b) What does this book help?

Para fazer perguntas no inglês utilizando as palavras what, who, whom, when, where conhecidas como wh- words, a estrutura da frase deve ser:

wh- word + auxiliary verb + subject + main verb

No caso dessa pergunta, a wh- word usada é what, o verbo auxiliar é do, o sujeito é this book e o verbo principal é to help. O verbo auxiliar deve estar conjugado de acordo com o sujeito e o verbo principal não precisa estar conjugado.

Se dizemos this book helps, a pergunta deve ficar what does this book help?

Resposta: B

respondido por: kenbia27


wh- word + auxiliary verb + subject + main verb



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