• Matéria: ENEM
  • Autor: felipediogo7995
  • Perguntado 7 anos atrás

The Runcible is both the strangest and most intriguing device thatI've seen at Mobile World Congress this year. It offers many of thesame capabilities as a first tier mobile, but it looks like a trinket youwould find in a trendy vintage store. That's by design, though: Itscreator, Monohm, wants the circular gizmo to challenge the nowubiquitous mobile experience, which is increasingly defined by arelentless stream of notifications. Aubrey Anderson, the company'sfounder and CEO, describes the Runcible as a "quieter" gadget thatcan help people relax and live in the moment, while still stayingconnected online.So what does it do? Well, the Runcible tries to solve the problem ofinternet overload. Smartwatches, Google Glass and otherwearables all promise to make notifications more manageable, withglanceable information that can save you from constantly pullingout your mobile. The difference with the Runcible is that it's a trulystandalone device. It runs on Mozilla's Firefox OS platform and letsyou make calls, ask for directions and browse the web. So whenyou're heading out to grab dinner with friends, you can leave yourmobile at home and avoid the temptations of Facebook, Twitter andSnapchat.O produto descrito pelo texto é:a) um computadorb) um telefone celularc) um tabletd) um pagere) um mp4 player


respondido por: jalves26

O produto descrito pelo texto é:

b) um telefone celular

> O texto fala sobre o Runcible, que é um smartphone em formato circular. A diferença do Runcible é que ele não roda aplicativos, o que impede o recebimento de notificações. Assim, é uma forma de se curtir o momento sem ficar o tempo todo olhando o celular.

Os trechos do texto que comprovas que se trata mesmo de um aparelho celular são:

"It offers many of thesame capabilities as a first tier mobile..."

(Ele oferece muitos desses recursos como um celular de primeira linha)

"So when you're heading out to grab dinner with friends, you can leave your mobile at home and avoid the temptations of Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat."

(Então, quando você estiver indo jantar com os amigos, pode deixar seu celular em casa e evitar as tentações do Facebook, Twitter e Snapchat.)

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