• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: halvesdealmeida28
  • Perguntado 7 anos atrás

1)underline the conect atlernatives
(a) (that/those ) are the shores i Want!
(b)i'm tirid of (this/these ) i'm going to look another one
(2) mom (this/these ) is my fiend Laura and (that/those) are her brothers​

Anônimo: (a) Those are the shoes I Want!
(b) I'm tired of this. I'm going to look another one
(2) Mom, this is my fiend Laura and those are her brothers​


respondido por: qsl100

1) Underline the correct alternatives.

(a) (Those ) are the shoes i want!

(b) i'm tired of (this) i'm going to look another one.

(c) Mom (this) is my fiend Laura and (those) are her brothers​.

halvesdealmeida28: me desculpe mais pode me ajudar fl qual desas alternativa da 1 e coreta
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