Pesquise substantivos regulares e irregulares no plural e crie frases com eles utilizando o verbo there to be.
Substantivos regulares >>>> plural em ''s''
notebook - notebooks
girl - girls
car - cars
house - houses
Substantivos irregulares
Se o substantivo terminar em ''o'' - acrescenta ''es''
tomato - tomatoes
potato - potatoes
Se o substantivo terminar em ''y'' precedido de consoantes, retira o ''y'' e acrescenta ''ies''
baby - babies
sky - skies
Se o substantivo terminar em ''s'' - ''se'' - ''ss - ''sh'' - ''ge'' - ''ch'' faz o plural acrescentando ''es'' ou ''s''
box - boxes
watch - watches - relógio de pulso
judge - judges - juiz
Se o substantivo terminar em ''f'' ou ''fe'' faz o plural em ''ves''
wife - wives - esposa
shelf - shelves - prateleira
Se o substantivo tiver ''oo'' plural em ''ee (apenas 3 substantivos)
goose - geese - ganso
foot - feet
tooth - teeth
child - children
man - men
woman - women
ox - oxen - boi
louse - lice - piolho
mouse - mice - rato
dwarf - dwarves / dwarfs - anão
hoof - hooves / hoofs - casco de animal
wharf - wharfs / wharves - cais
There are a lot of mice in that old building.
There is a beautiful house at the end of the street.
There were some geese at the zoo.
There are some potatoes in the fridge.
There is a blonde girl in the classroom.
There is a new watch in that store.
There are some women working in that school.