A day in the campsite, what can be said; this is my very first time in a campsite. In some campsites there are trailers but I decided to go to a survivalist campsite so, just the tents, the people, the backpacks with supplies and, of course the isolated forest.
Since it is a very basic course the teachers allowed us students to bring stuff according to weight. i do not know it by heart but, because I have more than one hundred kilogrammes I am allowed to carry more than sixteen kilogrammes with me.
The first part of the day I spent paying attention to one of the teachers, an old man with a past in the army, as he was explaining what plants could be used as a meal in the wild and, of course, what should never ever be eaten. I took notes and now i have with me a good list of eat and don't eat in the wild.
After that we were split in four groups of six people, divided according to the main interests of the people who joined the campsite, those intersted in rescuing others went to a group, those interested in living isolated for a long time went to another, for example.
I went to the green group, as the name says it is the group of those who are completely green in surviving. Our duties and classes were the most basic stuff like how to make a bonfire and how to find civilization and be found by rescue teams if lost. For two weeks this was my routine.