a. My brother is always in trouble. He never does what my mother says.
b. My uncles loves to take a nap after lunch on Sundays
c. What's your favorite childhood memory? I loved my sticker collection.
d. My little sister used to throw a fit when we were at a restaurant.
e. His favorite character was Iron Man. He used to wear Iron Man clothes at school.
f. I wanted to play tag but my friend is grounded. He has to stay home today.
In trouble - em encrenca
Never - nunca
Nap - cochilo
Sundays - domingo, aos domingos
Memory - memória
Sticker - adesivo, figurinha
throw a fit - ficar com raiva
character - personagem
wear - vestir, usar
tag - neste caso, play tag é brincar de pega-pega/ pique-pega
Grouded - neste caso, se refere a estar de castigo