• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: santospedrolucas762
  • Perguntado 6 anos atrás

Preciso de 50 palavras no presente negativo em inglês pra hoje por favor


respondido por: Ladyszz

Boa noite, tudo bem? Vamos lá


To ask Perguntar Asked

To be Ser/estar Was/were

To begin Começar Began

To believe Acreditar Believed

To buy Comprar Bought

To call Ligar/chamar Called

To do Fazer Did

To drink Beber Drank

To eat Comer Ate

To feel Sentir Felt

To forget Esquecer Forgot

To get Receber/obter Got

To go Ir Went

To have Ter Had

To hear Escutar Heard

To help Ajudar Helped

To kiss Beijar Kissed

To know Saber Knew

To learn Aprender Learned

To like Gostar Liked

To live Morar Lived

To look Olhar Looked

To love Amar Loved

To lose Perder Lost

To make Fazer/construir Made

To miss Sentir falta Missed

To need Precisar Needed

To pay Pagar Paid

To play Jogar/tocar Played

To read Ler Read

To remember Lembrar Remembered

To run Correr Ran

To say Dizer Said

To sit Sentar Sat

To show Mostrar Showed

To sleep Dormir Slept

To speak Falar Spoke

To start Começar Started

To stay Ficar Stayed

To stop Parar Stopped

To study Estudar Studied

To take Pegar Took

To think Pensar Thought

To try Tentar Tried

To understand Entender Understood

To wait Esperar Waited

To watch Assistir Watched

To wash Lavar Washed

To work Trabalhar Worked

To write Escrever Wrote

Ladyszz: Espero ter ajudado
Ladyszz: Bons estudos e boa noite
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