a musical instrument with strings?
a Christian symbol?
a container filled with coins?
the colour people wear on 17th March in Ireland?
a large musical instrument with strings stretched on a
vertical frame?
an alcoholic drink?
the national emblem of Ireland?
an animal with a long body and no legs "?
the third month of the year?
country in Western Europe?
a musical instrument with strings? >>> guitar - violin - ukulele
a Christian symbol? >>> cross
a container filled with coins? >> cauldron - piggy bank
the colour people wear on 17th March in Ireland? >>> green
a large musical instrument with strings stretched on a vertical frame? >>> harp
an alcoholic drink? >>> wine - whisky - beer
the national emblem of Ireland? >>> The Harp
an animal with a long body and no legs ? >>> snake
the third month of the year? >>> March
country in Western Europe? >>> Belgium - Austria - Greece
cauldron - caldeirão - pote (no fim do arco-íris tem um pote de moedas de ouro)
piggy bank - cofrinho de porquinho
Dia 17 de março é o ''St. Patrick's Day'' (São Patrício, padroeiro) na Irlanda. Antigamente, a cor que prevalecia era o azul, mas por inúmeras razões, o verde acabou sendo a cor oficial. A Irlanda é conhecida como ''Ilha das esmeraldas'' e em sua bandeira há uma lista verde, branca e laranja. Os irlandeses protestantes usam roupas na cor laranja nesse dia.