A doença do vírus da corona (Covid-19) é uma doença infecciosa causada por um novo vírus que não havia sido detectado em humanos antes.
O vírus causa doenças respiratórias (como gripe) com sintomas como tosse e febre e causa pneumonia em casos mais graves. Você pode se proteger continuando a lavar as mãos e evitando tocar no rosto.
Como a doença se espalha?
O novo Coronavírus é disseminado principalmente pelo contato com uma pessoa infectada quando tosse ou espirra, ou por gotículas, saliva ou secreções nasais.
Corona virus disease (Covid-19) is an infectious disease caused by a new virus that had not been detected in humans before.
The virus causes respiratory illnesses (like the flu) with symptoms like cough and fever and causes pneumonia in more severe cases. You can protect yourself by continuing to wash your hands and avoid touching your face.
How does the disease spread?
The new Coronavirus is spread mainly through contact with an infected person when he coughs or sneezes, or through droplets, saliva or nasal secretions.
A disease that can kill you
is a fatal disease, which came from China in 2020, killed many people all over the world, it is necessary to use masks to avoid being killed by him, and he created a pandemic that has to stay at home, be careful not to get it, use alcohol in Gel to prevent!