• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: zluiz701
  • Perguntado 6 anos atrás

complete com o verbo to be no passado ( was/ were) : yesterday... a) I ...... at school b) you ...... hungry c) he ..... working d) she .... in bid e) it .... tirid f) we ..... playing g) you ..... sad h) they ...... singing i) our cat ..... similing j) i ..... in paris k) the pupils ...... learming l ) your bike ..... new m ) my bike ..... dancing n ) you ..... at the cinema o ) his parents ...... angry p ) the frogs ...... sleeping q ) the bretterfly ...... flying r ) i .... reading a book ​


respondido por: Remesson17


A) Was;

B) Were;

C) Was;

D) Was;

E) Was;

F) Were;

G) Were;

H) Were;

I) Was;

J) Was;

K) Was;

L) Was;

M) Was;

N) Were;

O) Were;

P) Was;

Q) Was;

R) Was;


A flexão WAS é usada com os pronomes I (eu), he (ele), she (ela), it (utilizado para fazer referência a pessoas, animais, lugares e/ou objetos). Já a flexão WERE é usada com os pronomes you (você), we (nós), you (vocês) e they (eles/elas).

brendasouzacampos: Thank you helped a lot with this phrase!
respondido por: larissamagrani

Formando frases com was ou were (Simple Past)

É um tempo verbal na língua inglesa que equivale ao pretérito perfeito na Língua Portuguesa.

A) Was;

B) Were;

C) Was;

D) Was;

E) Was;

F) Were;

G) Were;

H) Were;

I) Was;

J) Was;

K) Was;

L) Was;

M) Was;

N) Were;

O) Were;

P) Was;

Q) Was;

R) Was.

Como usar Simple Past?

  • Tempo verbal na língua inglesa que equivale ao pretérito perfeito na Língua Portuguesa.

  • Há uso de advérbios que representam atividades que ocorreram no passado, como: yesterday, the day before yesterday, last night, last week e ago.

  • Neste tempo verbal, utiliza-se verbos regulares (walked, worked, played, washed, etc.) e verbos irregulares (went, drank, flew, saw, etc.).

  • Exemplos: He studied Math last night.
  • We did not (didn't) go to school last week.
  • I called you two days ago.

Saiba mais sobre o Simple Past em: brainly.com.br/tarefa/38639390

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