• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: joao6482
  • Perguntado 6 anos atrás

6. Qual é a forma negativa da frase “Paul will paint the house”?

a. Paul not will paint the house.
b. Paul won’t paint the house.

c. Paul not will painted the house.

d. Paul won’t painted the house.

7. Qual é a forma interrogativa da frase “The computers will decide our future”?

a. The computers will decide our future?

b. The computers won’t decide our future?

c. The will computers decide our future?

d. Will the computers decide our future?

8. Qual alternativa corresponde à transformação da frase “They don’t have the usual signs” para o Simple Future?

a. They won’t have the usual signs.

b. They will have the usual signs.

c. They have the usual signs.

d. They having the usual signs.

9. Complete as frases com as formas negativas e interrogativas do "Simple present". Use DO ou DOES.

a) Andrew ______________________ live in São Paulo, Brazil. (Negative)

_________________ Andrew live in Sao Paulo, Brazil? (Interrogative)

b) Jennifer and I __________________ get up early on Saturdays. (Negative)

_______________ Jennifer and I get up early on Saturdays? (Interrogative)

c) We ______________________ believe in good luck and bad luck. (Negative)

_____________________ we believe in good luck and bad luck? (Interrogative)

d) I _____________________ wear a blue dress every Sunday. (Negative)

_____________________ I wear a blue dress every Sunday? (Interrogative)

e) He _________________ play soccer every Saturday with friends. (Negative)

______________________ he play soccer every Saturday with friends? (Interrogative)

f) Julio ______________________ help his father at work. (Negative)

_____________________ Julio help his father at work? (Interrogative)

10. Transforme a frase

*Altere a estrutura da frase abaixo:


a. Da forma afirmativa para a negativa: _______________________________________________________________

b. Da forma afirmativa para a interrogativa: ____________________________________________________________

c. Troque “Sarah” por “They”, tanto na forma negativa quanto na afirmativa.

Aff.: ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Neg.: ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Int.: ____________________________________________________________________________________________

11. Uso do "DO" E "DOES"

I. Escolha uma seqüência que complete as sentenças:

________ you like to play volley?

________ she like to watch TV?

________ they go to the cinema?

He ________ not eat pasta.

________ I sit in the right place?

a. Do – Does – Do – Do - Does

b. Does – Do – Do – Does – Do

c. Do - Does – Do – Does – Do

d. Does – Do – Do – Do – Does

e. Do – Do – Does – Do – Do​


respondido por: claudetepinheiro05


6. B

7. d

8. A


A) Doesn't

Does Andrew.....?

B) don't

do Jessica and i......?

C) don't

Do we.....?

D) don't

Do I.... ?

E) Doesn't

Does he....?

F) Doesn't

Does Júlio...?


A) Sarah Doesn't have a cat

B) does sarah have a cat?

C) aff. they have a cat

Neg. They dont have a cat

Int. Do they have a cat?


Resposta : c.

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