• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: thiagoevolucao7
  • Perguntado 7 anos atrás

2)complete the sentences with the verbs in parentheses in the simple past or in the past continuos.
a)i (read) orwell´s 1984 when sandra (tell) me how it ends.
b)the characters (fall) in love while they (dance)in the rain.
c)the publisher (hire)an assistant when i (ask)for a job.
d)my favorite writer (finish)a new novel while he (travel)in europe
e)in the book,tom and gina (chase)a new adventure when she (suffer)an accident


respondido por: leonorafonso123


I was reading//told

Are falling// are dancing

Hired// asked

Finished, was travelling

Choose// suffering


Olha não sei se está tudo certo mas alguns estão

thiagoevolucao7: vakeu mano
thiagoevolucao7: to nem ai se estiver errado so colocar algo parecido com a resposta e ta dentro
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