• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: nessapiebe
  • Perguntado 6 anos atrás

Verbo to be

- Present Continuous

- Simple Present

Depois de assistirem as aulas acima, faça os exercícios;

Esclarecimentos de dúvidads e atividades serão corrigidas nos nossos encontros presenciais.

1 – Reescreva os verbos abaixo usando “ing”:

a) Read …………………………

b) Speak …………………………

c) Work …………………………

d) Play …………………………

e) Love …………………………

f) Prefer …………………………

g) Run …………………………

h) Walk …………………………

i) Visit …………………………

2 – Complete com o “present continuous tense”: dos verbos entre parênteses:

a) Regina ……………… at night. (sleep - dormir)

b) She ……………………. English. (study – estudar - negativa)

c) They ……………………… the car. (wash –lavar)

d) I ……………………. (pray- rezar - negativa)

e) Frank ………………. a car. (drive –dirigir)

f) Rita and Renato ……………………….. milk. (drink – beber)

g) I and Maria ……………………… a sandwich. (eat – comer)

h) Francis ……………………….. a book, (read – ler)

i) Antonio ……………………….. cards. (play – jogar)

j) You ………………………. dishes. (wash – lavar)

3 - Passe para a negativa:

a) Joe is drinking Coca-Cola. ……………………………………………………

b) You are playing soccer. ……………………………………………………

c) They are watching tv. ……………………………………………………

d) I am eating broccolis. ……………………………………………………

e) We are walking in the park. ……………………………………………………

4 – Passe para a interrogativa:

a) Fernando is cooking. ……………………………………………………………

b) They are dancing. ……………………………………………………………

c) We are speaking English. ……………………………………………………………

d) I am swimming. ……………………………………………………………

e) It is running. ……………………………………………………………

5 – Substitua pelos pronomes “you, he, she, it, we, they”:

a) Maria ………………….

b) Sarah and Paul …………..

c) Cats …………………..

d) You and Mike …………..

e) Christian …………………...

6 – Responda você mesmo:

a) Are you studying English? ……………………………………………………

b) Are you driving? ……...……………………………………………………………

c) What are you doing? ……………………………………………………………

Revisando o “Simple Present”

1 – Faça o solicitado:

j) Fernando drinks Coca-Cola. (drink – beber)

(?) …………………………………………………….

(-) ……………………………………………………..

b) They play soccer. (play – jogar)

(?) …………………………………………………….

(-) ……………………………………………………..

c) You watch tv. (watch – assistir)

(?) …………………………………………………….

(-) ……………………………………………………..

d) She eats brocolis. (eat – comer)

(?) …………………………………………………….

(-) ……………………………………………………..

e) I walk in the park. ( walk – caminhar)

(?) …………………………………………………….

(-) ……………………………………………………..

2 – Complete com o “present tense”:

k) Regina ……………… at night. (sleep – dormir - negativa)

l) She ……………………. English. (study – estudar)

m) They ……………………… the car. (wash –lavar)

n) I ………………….. everyday. (pray- rezar – negativa)

o) Frank ………………. a car. (drive –dirigir)

3 – Conjuga os verbos abaixo:

Fly (voar) Love (amar)

I ……………… I ………………

You ……………… You ………………

He ……………… He ………………

She ……………… She ………………

It ……………… It ………………

We ……………… We ………………

You ……………… You ………………

They ……………… They ………………​


respondido por: Yusley717












b) Is not

c) are washing

d) i am not praying

e) is driving

f) are drinking

g) are eating

h) is reading

i) is palaying

j) are washing

3.Joe is not drinking coca cola

You are not playing soccer

They are not watchinh TV

I am not eating brocollis

We are not walking in The Park

4.Is Fernando cooking?

Are they dancing?

Are we speaking english?

Am i swimming?

Is it running?

5. She





6.a)Yes , i am

b) No, i am not

c)I am helping my friend in english lesson

7.Is Fernando cooking?

Fernando is not cooking

.Are they dancing?

they are not dancing

.Are you watching TV?

You are not watching TV

.Is she studing english?

She is not studying english

.I am eating brocollis?

I am not eating brocollis


i Fly

He/she flies

it flies

you fly

we fly

they flies

i love

He/she loves

it love

you love

we love

they loves

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