• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: robinhobehenck95
  • Perguntado 6 anos atrás

Choose the correct option to complete the sentences:
a) There is f) There will always be
b) There was g) there are
c) there won’t be h) there were
d) There were i) there might be
e) There should be j) there is
1) ______________ hope for the world.
Sempre haverá esperança para o mundo.
2) My mom said _____________ cookies for me at home.
Minha mãe disse que tem bolachas pra mim em casa.
3) I didn't like the party last night; ____________ too many people there.
Eu não gostei da festa ontem à noite; tinha gente demais lá.
4) I'm not sure _____________ room for your friends to sleep here.
Não tenho certeza se tem espaço para seus amigos dormirem aqui.
5) _____________ nobody in Customer Service to help me.
Não havia ninguém no Serviço ao Consumidor para me ajudar.
6) _____________ somebody here to welcome us!
Deveria haver alguém aqui para nos recepcionar!
7) ____________ a post office across from the supermarket.
Tem uma agência dos correios na frente do mercado.
8) Don’t give up on the test; ___________ a chance you’ll pass.
Não desista do teste; pode haver uma chance de você passar.
9) She said _____________ anybody at the store at 7am.
Ela disse que não haverá ninguém na loja ás 7:00.
10) ___________ 500,000 people on the concert last night.
Havia 500,000 pessoas no show ontem à noite.


respondido por: CremildaBR


⇒⇒ There is - there are - there will be - there was

1) f) There will always be  hope for the world.

Sempre haverá esperança para o mundo.

2) My mom said g) there are   cookies for me at home.

Minha mãe disse que tem bolachas pra mim em casa.

3) I didn't like the party last night; h) there were  too many people there.

Eu não gostei da festa ontem à noite; tinha gente demais lá.

4) I'm not sure j) if there is room for your friends to sleep here.

Não tenho certeza se tem espaço para seus amigos dormirem aqui.

5) b) There was nobody in Customer Service to help me.

Não havia ninguém no Serviço ao Consumidor para me ajudar.

6) e) There should be  somebody here to welcome us!

Deveria haver alguém aqui para nos recepcionar!

7) a) There is  a post office across from the supermarket.

Tem uma agência dos correios na frente do mercado.

8) Don’t give up on the test; i) there might be a chance you’ll pass.

Não desista do teste; pode haver uma chance de você passar.

9) She said c) there won’t be  anybody at the store at 7am.

Ela disse que não haverá ninguém na loja ás 7:00.

10) d) There were   500,000 people on the concert last night.

Havia 500,000 pessoas no show ontem à noite.

Alternativa j) there is  >>> só é possível completar a frase se tiver ''if'' antes de ''there is''. ''IF'' significa ''SE'' e está faltando.


⇒⇒There to be - verbo existir / ter

→→ There is - simple present - singular

There is a girl here. - Há uma garota aqui.

There is a man talking on the phone. Há um homem falando ao telefone.

→→ There are - simple present - plural

There are five girls here - Há cinco garotas aqui.

There are some boys playing soccer. - Há alguns meninos jogando bola.

→→ There was - simple past - singular

There was a dog here. - Havia um cachorro aqui.

There was a nice girl there. - Havia uma menina bonita ali.

→→ There were - simple past - plural

There were many people around. - Havia muitas pessoas ao redor.

There were kids playing golf. - Havia meninos jogando golfe.

→→ There will be - simple future - singular and plural

There will be many people outside. - Haverá muitas pessoas lá fora.

There will be a dog in the street. - Haverá um cachorro na rua.

→ Estrutura There is / there are / there was / there were / there will be- Negativa

There is/there are... + not + complemento

There isn’t a car in the street.

There are not many books on the table.

There was not a blonde girl here.

There were not people at the mall.

There will not be cars in the street.

→ Estrutura there is / there are / there was / there were / there will be- Interrogativa

Is / are + there + complemento + ?

Is there a girl in the kitchen?

Are there many books on the table?

Was there a blonde girl here?

Were there people at the mall?

Will there be cars in the street?

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