Questão7.Há erro quanto ao uso do Reflexive Pronoun na letra:
(A) I have been living by myself since 2003.
(B) He was so in love that he decided to introduce himself to her.
(C) Monica often talks to yourself when she is alone.
(D) We always enjoy ourselves when we are together.
⇒⇒ Reflexive pronouns
(A) I have been living by myself since 2003.
(B) He was so in love that he decided to introduce himself to her.
(C) Monica often talks to yourself when she is alone. >> errada
Monica often talks to HERSELF when she is alone. >> correta
(D) We always enjoy ourselves when we are together.
→→ Reflexives pronouns >> são usados para indicar que a ação reflexiva recai sobre o próprio sujeito.
→ para dar ênfase
They themselves went to London.
they themselves >> eles mesmos / próprios
→ para dizer que alguém fez algo sozinho. (precedido de ''by'')
Julie finished the work by herself.
by herself >> sozinha
→ para indicar uma ação que afeta quem a praticou
John hurt himself when he was mowing the grass.
hurt himself >>> se machucou
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