• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: goncalvesmendesgusta
  • Perguntado 7 anos atrás

Faça um resumo a mão do livro Man from the south and other stories(em inglês) e de sua opinião de cada história ​



respondido por: felipingameplays1902


Man from the south

The narrator is sitting by the swimming pool having a little evening sun,he began watching some teenagers having fun in the pool when he saw an old man walking by the edge of the pool

The old man sat down and begun talking with the narrator,then a teenager accompanied by a girl started talking with them when he (teenager)boasts that his lighter always lights, even in strong winds, the old man asks if he’s willing to bet on it. The boy is surprised but agrees to bet a dollar. The old man laughs and offers to up the stakes: If the boy can light his lighter ten times in a row, he will give him a brand new Cadillac. If the boy loses, the man will cut off the little finger of his left hand. After some deliberation, the boy agrees to accept the bet.

Then both of them decides to go up to the old man's room to start the bet,after the eight time that the lighter lights a lady enters the room and stops the bet,saying that the old man has already cut off forty seven fingers,and that she himself has won everything that the old man has.The last thing the narrator says is that she only has one finger and a thumb

In my opinion it was a great story,I couldn't tell what was going to happen until it actually happened,I wasn't expecting this ending.


Beware of the dog

The history is situated in the 20th century,World War 2.Peter Williamson is the protagonist of this one,he had suffered a massive injury on his leg while flying in a mission.Later on he realized he was not feeling good ,he then parachutes and awakes in a hospital bed.

After he awakes a female nurse opened the door and is asked by the protagonist where they are,she then answer that they are in Brighton,but strange things kept happening ,he heard the sound of german planes through the window, the nurse also said that the hospital water is very hard,and he the pilot remembered that when he lived in Brighton the water was very soft.He then became suspicious and frightened,he later drags himself to a window and sees a wooden sign “Garde au chien”,french for Beware of the dog.He now knows that he is in Vichy France,and the caregivers are actually Germans in disguise.When they sent in a fake RAF commander to convince him to divulgue informations about his squadron’s location,he stares him and says his name,rank and number,showing that he has understood that he is in enemy territory

This time i must say that this story was worse than the first one,i could already say what was going to happen before it actually happened unlike Man from the south,in which i had no idea what was going to happen


The landlady

Billy Weaver had travelled down from London on the afternoon train,by the time he got to Bath it was about nine o’ clock in the evening,he decided to look for a place to sleep,he saw a guesthouse that said “bed and breakfast”,he went right up to it and saw a pretty little dog sleeping in front of the fire ,deciding to sleep there he pressed the bell button and a old lady told him to get in with a large smile,she told him that the price for being there was really low and gave the man a room to sleep and told him to go downstairs to have a cup of tea,he found the guest book lying open in the piano and saw only two names above his own,his suspicious grow when the old lady keep referring to them using the past tense,she also said that they never left,he also notice that the dog he saw early on wasn’t alive and that the woman had killed the dog.The woman may have seemed nice at first,but he realized that she drugs young men that come sleep in her house and stuffs them just for fun

Again,i did not like this story,it was really boring to read and nowhere near as good as “Man from the south”


The Vicar’s pleasure

The protagonist’s name is Mr Boggis,the story starts with him observing farmhouses and excluding the rich ones because “there was no point in visiting the rich”,he worked at selling old furniture that he bought for a really cheap price and selling it at a really high price,so this time he stopped by a house disguised as a vicar and asked for the owners to let him in to see the furniture they have.

Then he sees a really expensive furniture in the corner of the room and starts convincing the owners of the house that the furniture was actually cheap so he could buy it,they made a deal(only for the legs) and the “vicar” went to bring his car so he could carry the chair,so they(the owners) decides to cut of the legs of the chair to give to the “vicar” because that is what they agreed to give him

This time i must say that i enjoyed reading this story,but ,the plot twist was nowhere near as good as man from the south’s


goncalvesmendesgusta: Obrigado por isso
felipingameplays1902: Não seja por isso, coincidentemente eu tinha feito um resumo desse livro esse ano
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