• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: Leilanyluizasilva
  • Perguntado 6 anos atrás




Simple Present
Simple Past
Simple Future
Present Continuous
Past Continuous
Present Perfect
Past Perfect

will (‘ll)
would (‘d)
am, is (‘s), are
was, were
have, has(‘s)
had (‘d)

Does Ronaldo play well?
Ronaldo doesn’t play well.
Doesn’t Ronaldo play well?

Did you work on Sundays?
You didn’t work on Sundays.
Didn’t you work on Sundays?

Além de serem usados nas formas interrogativa, negativa, e interrogativa-negativa, os auxiliares do/does/did são usados:
Na Forma Enfática

sujeito + do/does/did + infinitivo do verbo

She loves you
She does love you
They studied hard.
They did study hard.

Nas short answers (respostas breves ou curtas). Comumente usa-se yes/no seguido do pronome pessoal referente ao sujeito, mais o auxiliar correspondente ao tempo do verbo. Na negativa o auxiliar será sempre contraído.

Does Mrs. Smith teach Sociology?
yes, she does.
no, she doesn’t.

Did you like this book?
yes, we did.
no, we didn’t.

Will you go with me?
yes, I will.
no, I won’t.

Would Charles and Mary wait?
yes, they would.
no, they wouldn’t.
Has it rained hard over here?
yes, it has.
no, it hasn’t.

Question-tags ou Tag-endings
Question-tags são perguntas curtas que são feitas no final de uma declaração, normalmente numa conversa para confirmar o que está se escutando, ou se o interlocutor está de acordo com o que está sendo dito.

Bob works with you, doesn’t he?
Mariah isn’t a nurse, is she?

Há duas formas principais de question-tags:

Declaração afirmativa + question-tag negativa

Bears like honey, don’t they?
Agatha will stay home, won’t she?
I am a good student, *aren’t I?

Declaração negativa + question-tag afirmativa

You didn’t go to school, did you?
The children aren’t going with you, are they?
He hasn’t arrived yet, has he?
Nas question-tags, usa-se o auxiliar referente ao tempo do verbo da frase, seguido do pronome pessoal que substitue o sujeito.

Martha will leave tomorrow, won’t she?
The children didn’t go to school, did they?

Question-tags especiais
A question-tag correspondente a I am é aren’t I?
A question-tag que corresponde ao imperativo negativo ou afirmativo é will you?
Close the door, will you?
Don’t stay here, will you?
A question-tag que corresponde a Let’s + verbo é shall we?
Let’s have a coke, shall we?
Veja ainda essas question-tags:
That’s very interesting,isn’t it?
There’s something wrong, isn’t there?
Everybody believes in horoscopes, don’t they?
She’s going with you, isn’t she?
She’s gone with you, hasn’t she?
We’d do everything, wouldn’t we?
We’d done everything, hadn’t we?


1. Karen speaks Italian________.

A) good
B) perfect
C) fluently
D) bad
E) correct
2. Frank is a________boy.

A) clever
B) best
C) carefully
D) worse
E) kindly

3. We can do this exercise________.

A) quick
B) slow
C) careful
D) easily
E) perfect

4. Which is correct?

A) They don’t like vegetables, too.
B) I also am an engineer.
C) We have nothing neither.
D) She met her parents also.
E) He doesn’t smoke, either.

5. “Não leve nem este nem aquele livro.”

A) Don’t take neither this nor that book.
B) Take neither this nor that book.
C) Not take nor this or that book.
D) Do not take neither this or that book.
E) Take nor this nor that book.

6. A: Who put the books in the box?
B: Frank___________________.

A) do
B) does
C) did
D) is
E) will

7. They’ve been sick and so________she.

A) am
B) do
C) does
D) did
E) has

8. Bob: Will you go with me?
Pat: no,_________________.

A) I don’t.
B) He doesn’t.
C) I won’t.
D) you didn’t.
E) We wouldn’t.

9. Mary_________study for the test. She got a good grade.
A) will
B) do
C) does
D) did
E) has

10. _______you ever________a flying saucer?

A) Are – seen
B) Have – seen
C) Do – seen
D) Would – seen
E) Did – seen

11. Let’s have a coke,________we?

A) don’t
B) have
C) shall
D) aren’t
E) will

12.That’s a good idea,________

A) isn’t it?
B) doesn’t that?
C) did it?
D) don’t they?
E) aren’t you?

13. They’ll leave in ten days,________

A) don’t they?
B) aren’t they?
C) won’t they?
D) didn’t they?
E) wouldn’t they?

14. It’s rained hard,_________

A) hasn’t it?
B) doesn’t it?
C) didn’t it?
D) isn’t it?
E) wasn’t it?

15. You’d seen that girl before,__________you?

A) aren’t
B) don’t
C) didn’t
D) hadn’t
E) wouldn’t


respondido por: raymundof037


coloque as palavras da questão 1 nos Espaços em branco eu acho que é isso né

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