• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: alunaprincipiante
  • Perguntado 7 anos atrás

AJUDA PF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 25 pontos INGLES

1.Underline all the possessive pronouns in the following sentences. HINT: There are 15. (Sublinhe o pronome possessivo onde tiver, nem todas as sentenças apresentam o pronome possessivo.

A.I took my dog to a dog show.

B.His hair was longer than hers.

C.I saw that her dog was smaller than their dog.

D.Someone asked, "Is that dog yours?"

E.I replied, "Yes, he's mine.

F.I wonder whose dog is the smallest.

G.My dog won a first place ribbon.

H.His ribbon was big and its color was blue.

I.My parents and I were proud of our dog.

J.Everybody thinks that one's dog is special.


respondido por: RenataAndrade


A) my

B) his/ hers

C) her/ their

D) yours

E) mine

F) whose

G) my

H) his/its

I) my/our

J) one's


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