• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: Manuaraujoviana
  • Perguntado 7 anos atrás

Marque a alternativa correta para completar corretamente no presente contínuo

A) she ___ playing tennis
( ) ins't ( )aren't

B)b) You ____ going to the beach. 

( ) ins't ( )aren't

C)He ___ doing his homework.

( ) ins't ( )aren't

D) I____ watching TV.

( ) 'm not ( ) 's not

E)They ______ wearing shoes.

( ) ins't ( ) aren't

F) The dog ___ drinking water.

( ) ins't ( ) aren't

G) Frank and Carla ____ eating the chicken

( ) ins't ( ) aren't

H) Emily ____ reading that book.

( )ins't ( ) aren't

urgenteeee, pfvrr me ajuda!


respondido por: nicolediasq
A) isn’t
B) aren’t
C) isn’t
D) I’m not
E) aren’t
F) isn’t
G) aren’t
H) isn’t
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