• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: rere1212
  • Perguntado 6 anos atrás

I - Complete with verbs in the parentheses in the Present Continuous , Simple Present or Simple

Past. (Observe expressões que indicam tempos verbais por ex: last week-semana passada)

1. Look!(olhe) Jane ………………………… (sing) again (novamente). She often (frequentemente) ……………………..

(sing) this song.

2. My father ………………………………(have) a lot of (muito) work to do every weekend. (final de semana)

3. The girls …………………………………….. (not / talk-conversar) now (agora). All of them (todas elas)

………………………… (watch) a film.

4. …………………… you …………………….. (like) watching TV?

5. He …………………………………….. (usually (costuma) / go) at 9:00 o’clock, but (mas) this morning he

………………………………….. (leave) home late (atrasado).

6. I ……………………………………. (visit) my grandparents every Friday. My sister

………………………………………. (often / visit) them on Sundays.

7. The boys …………………………………….. (swim) in the pool (piscina) now but they

………………………………………… (usually / swim) in the sea (mar).

8. She ……………………………….(write) a letter (carta) to her pen-friend at the moment.

9. They sometimes (às vezes)…………………………………….. ( have) lunch at work, but (mas) today (hoje)

they …………………………………. (have) at a restaurant.

10. She can’t talk (falar) to you. She ………………………………………. (have) a shower.(banho)

11. “Where …………………………… Alex ……………………… (live)? “In France.”

12. Tom ………………………………………… (like) riding a horse in his free times. (horas livres)

13. These children ………………………… (play) the piano and ……………………… (sing) a song at the


14. My mother always …………………………. (cook-cozinhar) in the morning.

15. What …………………………………………… (you / usually / do-fazer) at weekends?(finais de semana)

16. Jane …………………………………….. (give-dar) a party (festa) today because it ……………... (be) her


17. The lesson …………………………… (start) at 9 o’clock every morning.

18. Adam is in his room now (agora). He ……………………………… (write) a letter-carta to his penfriend.

He always ……………………….. (write) him a letter

19. 6. The students ……………………. (study) English every day, they ……………………(want-querer) to

speak fluently.

20. We usually ……………………. (play) football every week. We ……………… (play) it last (passado)


II- Put in the right form of the verb. Use either Simple Present or Simple Past

a. I __________ my car yesterday. (to clean-lavar)

b. It is rainning (chovendo)at the moment. Let’s ___________ inside today. (to stay)

c. Marry_________ (to be) at the zoo last week. She__________ a monkey there. (to see-ver)

d. Tom ________ (to be) at the restaurant right now. Let’s go and _________ (to meet-encontrar) him.

e. Susan___________ (to come-vir) yesterday-ontem, because she ___________ (to have-ter) a car accident.

f. Look! Johnny ________(to be) over there-ali. I ______ (to think-achar) he _______ (to be) ill-doente days ago-atrás.

g. The weather-tempo ___________ (to look-parecer) good today, but remember last week? It ___________ (to be)

raining the whole-todo time.

h. Last year, Conny ________ (to visit) the United Kingdom. She _________ (to want) to go to France this year.

i. Yesterday, I __________ ( walk-andar a pé) across the fields-campos. I _________ (walk) across the fields every day.


respondido por: licehbaby39



rere1212: ;-;
licehbaby39: akakak
licehbaby39: amiga Eu queria muito te ajudar sério,mas são muitas questões ;-;
rere1212: ah, tudo bem kk obrigada kk
rere1212: você sabe inglês fluente?
licehbaby39: prnd
licehbaby39: joga no Google acho q tem
rere1212: n achei;-;
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