• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: laianemello391
  • Perguntado 6 anos atrás

Read the Text Dear people of the Centers for disease controland prevention,My name is Patrícia and I am a student of aState public school in Pirenópolis, a town locatednear Goiânia, the capital of Goiás, a state in themidwest of Brazil. I read all the guidelines yougave about how to prevent corona virus infection.My Family and I have tried to follow all theinstructions not to get infected. Here in Goiás, theclassroom lessons have been canceled. Ourteachers are making a huge effort to go on teachingus using the possible ressources during socialdistance period. I really admire them. They havedone their best.I think that of all the recommentions, washingour hands and keeping the safety distance fromothers are the most important, aren’t they? You didnot mention anything about it, but desinfectingeverythig we buy is also necessary. I miss myclassmates and all my friends a lot, but I know thesocial distance is for the best. Congratulations forthe instructions and guidelines about corona virusin your site and congratulations for all the work youdo. Hope everything will end soon and quitealright. Patrícia Brandão. VOCABULARY NOUS - SUBSTANTIVOS: People: pessoas Disease: doença School: escola Town: cidade Classroom: sala de aula Lessons: lições, aulas Ressource: recurso Anything: nada Everything: tudo, todas as coisas Also: também Work: trabalho Midwest: centro oeste. VERBS: To read: ler Gave: deu doou Tried: tentou/tentava To make: fazer Go on: continuar To admire: admirar Done: feito, fez To think: pensar To buy: comprar MATH!! Escreva nos parênteses a letra da frase que corresponde à tradução de alguns trechos do texto. a) My name is Patrícia and I am a student of aState public school in Pirenópolis. b) Our teachers are making a huge effort to go onteaching us using the possible ressourcesduring social distance period. c) I read all the guidelines you gave about how toprevent corona virus infection. d) Hope everything will end soon and quite alright. ( ) Nossos professores estão fazendo um grandeesforço para continuar nos ensinando usando osrecursos possíveis durante o período dedistanciamento social. ( ) Espero que tudo termine logo e bem. ( ) Meu nome é Patrícia e eu sou uma estudantede uma escola pública estadual de Pirenópolis. ( ) Eu li todas as orientações que vocês deramsobre como se prevenir da infecção do coronavírus. Marque a alternativa referente a sequência da tradução dos trechos. * *

1 ponto

a) b,d,a,c.

b) a.b.c.d.

c) d,c,a,b.

d) c,a,b,d.

e) a,c,d,b


respondido por: jhemillysouza071

A resposta correta é a alternativa A.

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