• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: vs222f
  • Perguntado 6 anos atrás

Passe as orações abaixo para a forma afirmativa do present contínuo..

They are not talk
She is not drink fruit juice
I am not have dinner
you are not wear a jacket
He is not play the piano
Mary and Julia are not get up
Theo and I are not sit in the garden
It is not rain
You are not make dinner


respondido por: mhelder296


rule of present continuous

personal pronoun or noun + verb to be + any verb or anything

They are talking

She is drinking fruit juice

I am having dinner

You are wearing a jacket

He is playing the piano

Mary and Julia are getting up

Theo and l are sitting in the garden

Is is raining

You are making dinner

espero ter ajudado

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