Preencha os espaços em branco com o tempo verbal correto:
Exemplo: "I saw her" → He said the he had seen him.
a) "There is a butterfly in my garden." → I said _________a butterfly in my garden.
b) "I’ll see you later." → She said she ___________ me later.
c) "We are very sad." → They told me they __________ very sad.
d) "I can go out with you" → He said he __________ out with me.
e) "I woke up late today." → She said she _____________ late today.
f) "We have to do so (done) many things today." → They said they
________________ so many things today.
2) Reescreva as frases usando o Reported Speech.
a) "This afertnoon will be better"
He said ___________________________________________________.
b) "I like chocolate too"
She said___________________________________________________.
c) "Lucas can do this for you"
He said _____________________
a) "There is a butterfly in my garden." → I said that there was a butterfly in my garden.
b) "I’ll see you later." → She said she would see me later.
c) "We are very sad." → They told me they were very sad.
d) "I can go out with you" → He said he could out with me.
e) "I woke up late today." → She said she had woken up late today.
f) "We have to do so (done) many things today." → They said they had to do so many things today.
2) Reescreva as frases usando o Reported Speech.
a) "This afertnoon will be better"
He said this afternoon would be better.
b) "I like chocolate too"
She said she liked chocolate.
c) "Lucas can do this for you"
He said Lucas could do this for you.
Direct speech corresponde ao discurso direto e indirect speech à forma indireta.
a) I said that there was a butterfly in my garden.
b) She said she would see me later.
c) They told me they were very sad.
d) He said he could out with me.
e) She said she had woken up late today.
f) They said they had to do so many things today.
2) a) He said this afternoon would be better.
b) She said she liked chocolate.
c) He said Lucas could do this for you.
O discurso direto se caracteriza por ser aquele em que há fala e que a função fática da linguagem seja utilizada.
Neste discurso, os dispositivos usados são as aspas ("), o travessão (-), a pergunta (?), dois pontos (:) e uma linguagem que demonstre haver um diálogo ou um monólogo. O discurso direto é fácil de ser representado na escrita por estar acompanhado de símbolos linguísticos próprios.
Os verbos no discurso direto também são característicos, pois fazem alusão à fala (dizer, falar, ver, perguntar, responder e etc).
Já o discurso indireto é aquele que pressupõe conversa, mas é representado pela fala do narrador, que reproduz as falas das personagens. Além disso, é escrito em terceira pessoa (narrador) e apresentam verbos de locução.
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