• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: rf63504
  • Perguntado 6 anos atrás

1. Reescreva as frases usando as contractions: ‘ve, haven’t, ‘s e hasn’t. We have been to Egypt.We’ve been
to Egypt.
a.I have been to the USA.____________________________.
b.John has been to Cuba.____________________________.
c.They have not been to Peru. ____________________________.
d.She has not been to Spain.____________________________.
2. Complete as frases usando have, has, have not ou has not. Elas podem ser afirmativas (+), negativas (-
) ou interrogativas (?). We have not been to Egypt. ( +)
a. I ___________ been to France. (+)
b. You ___________ been to Canada. (-)
c.___________ they been to Korea? (?)
d. He ___________ been to New York. (+)
e. She ___________ been to Moscow. (-)
f.___________ Bob been to Italy? (?)
3. Faça frases afirmativas (+), negativas (-) ou interrogativas (?) usando o been. Use contractions
quando possível.We / Egypt (?) Have we been to Egypt?
a. they / Poland (+) ________________________________.
b. Mary / South Africa (-) ________________________________.
c. you / Greece (?) ________________________________?
d. I / Nigeria (-) ________________________________.
e. she / Sweden (+) ________________________________.
f. he / Denmark (?) ________________________________?
4. Complete o diálogo.
Bob Has your sister been to England?
a. Jane No, she _________, but I have.
b. Bob Where _________ you been in England?
c. JaneI have _________ to London. Bob Really?
Me too. I went there last year.
5.Use o past participle dos verbos em parênteses para completar as frases.
She’sread that book. (read)
a. Have you _________ my wallet? (see)
b. She’s _________ two books. (write)
c. I haven’t _________ her husband yet. (meet)
d. Bob has _________ a new bike. (buy)
e. Has she _________ her arm? (break)
f. They’ve _________ in love. (fall)
g. My husband has never _________ at the movie theater. (cry)
h. Has your friend ever _________ a Porsche? (drive)
i. I’ve never _________ that skirt. (wear)


respondido por: lauramoreto2005


1) a. I`ve been to the USA.

b. John`s been to Cuba

c. They`ve not been to Peru

d. She`s not been to Spain

2)a. I have been to France. (+)

b. You have not been to Canada. (-)

c. Have they been to Korea? (?)

d. He has been to New York. (+)

e. She has not been to Moscow. (-)

f.Has Bob been to Italy? (?)


a.  They have been to Poland.

b.  Mary has not been to South Africa.

c. Have you been to Greece?

d. I have not been in Nigeria.

e. She has been in Sweden.

f. Has he been in Denmark?


Bob Has your sister been to England?

a. Jane No, she has not, but I have.

b. Bob Where have you been in England?

c. JaneI have been to London. Bob Really?

Me too. I went there last year.


a. Have you seen my wallet? (see)

b. She’s written two books. (write)

c. I haven’t met her husband yet. (meet)

d. Bob has bought a new bike. (buy)

e. Has she broken her arm? (break)

f. They’ve felt in love. (fall)

g. My husband has never cried at the movie theater. (cry)

h. Has your friend ever driven a Porsche? (drive)

i. I’ve never worn that skirt. (wear)

rf63504: Obrigadddoooooh
respondido por: rcezare



a. I‘ve been to the USA.

b. John‘s been to Cuba.

c. They haven’t been to Peru.

d. She hasn’t been to Spain.

2.  have, has, have not ou has not.

a. I have been to France. (+)

b. You have not been to Canada. (-)

c. Have they been to Korea? (?)

d. He has been to New York. (+)

e. She has not been to Moscow. (-)

f. Has Bob been to Italy? (?)


a. They‘ve been to Poland. (+)

b. Mary hasn’t been to South Africa. (-)

c. Have you been to Greece? (?)

d. I haven’t been to Nigeria. (-)

e. She‘s been to Sweden. (+)

f. Has he been to Denmark? (?)


Bob Has your sister been to England?

a. Jane: No, she hasn’t , but I have.

b. Bob: Where have you been in England?

c. Jane: I have been to London. Bob: Really?

Me too. I went there last year.


a. Have you seen my wallet?

b. She’s written two books.

c. I haven’t met her husband yet.

d. Bob has bought a new bike.

e. Has she broken her arm?

f. They’ve fallen in love.

g. My husband has never cried at the movie theater.

h. Has your friend ever driven a Porsche?

i. I’ve never worn that skirt.


Present Perfect

O Present Perfect or Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfeito ou Presente Perfeito Simples) é um tempo verbal que expressa ações influenciadas pelo presente, ou seja, essas ações ainda estão acontecendo ou foram concluídas recentemente.

Forma Afirmativa (Affirmative Form)

Para a construir frases afirmativas no Present Perfect Simple, utiliza-se a seguinte estrutura:

Sujeito + verbo auxiliar to have no Simple Present + verbo principal no Particípio Passado + complemento

Exemplo:   My parents have visited Portugal three times.

(Meus pais visitaram Portugal três vezes)

Forma Negativa (Negative Form)

As frases negativas no Present Perfect Simple incluem o “not” após o verbo auxiliar e seguem a seguinte estrutura:

Sujeito + verbo auxiliar to have no Simple Present + not + verbo principal no Particípio Passado + complemento

Exemplo:   My parents have not visited Portugal three times.

(Meus pais não visitaram Portugal três vezes)

Forma Interrogativa (Interrogative Form)

Para fazer perguntas no Present Perfect Simple, é necessário inverter a ordem do verbo auxiliar na frase, ou seja, ele é posicionado antes do sujeito.

A forma interrogativa do Present Perfect segue a seguinte estrutura:

Verbo auxiliar to have no Simple Presente + sujeito + verbo principal no Particípio Passado + complemento

Exemplo:   Have my parents visited Portugal three times?

(Meus pais visitaram Portugal três vezes?)

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