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A reflexive pronoun refers back to the subject.
Reflexive Pronouns include; Myself, Yourselt, Himself,
Herself, Ourselves, Themselves..
Directions: Circle the reflexive pronoun in each sentence below.
Example A: He bought the gift for himself.
Answer: himself
1. Make sure to remind yourself of the things you need
to do.
2. She thought to herself while she was in the library.
3. I saw myself in the mirror.
4. We blamed ourselves for the mistake.
5. Can you help yourselves?
6. They cannot look after themselves.
2. Herself
3. Myself
4. Ourselves
5. Yourselves
6. Themselves
1. Make sure to remind yourself of the things you need to do.
yourself: a você mesmo(a)
2. She thought to herself while she was in the library.
herself: a ela mesma
3. I saw myself in the mirror.
myself: a mim mesmo, -me
4. We blamed ourselves for the mistake.
ourselves: a nós mesmos(as), -nos
5. Can you help yourselves?
yourselves: a vós, a vocês mesmos(as), -vos
6. They cannot look after themselves.
themselves: a si, a eles mesmos, a elas mesmas
Reflexive pronouns
Os pronomes reflexivos em inglês (reflexive pronouns) são termos utilizados quando uma ação praticada pelo sujeito incide sobre ele mesmo.
Geralmente, essas palavras aparecem após o verbo, concordando sempre com o sujeito da oração.
São construídas com as terminações “-self”, no singular, e “-selves”, no plural.