Escreva o texto na forma correta da escrita das palavras na língua Inglesa.
Uí ar líving in âh compliqueitêd uôord, uí rrév pípol cráiing bicóse âv dér fémilis. Sâme ar djust pritênding dét sings ar okay.
Uí niid tchu istêi ét hôumm, uí ként gou áut uít áur friendis.
Sâme pípol lóst dér djób. Dzêi ar luuking fór óder uôrk, bât it is nót ízzi tchu fáiind âh gúud djób. Sâme pípol ar uôrking bât dzêi ar nót ricíving dér séléris, bicóse dzê câmpanis rrév nou mânei.
Uí niid tchu kiip calm, sings uíl bi okay suun. Uí nôu dzê sings uônt bi dzê sêimm, bât uí uíl istart âh nôrmal láiff âguén.
Íf iú ar fiiling âloon, pliz trái tchu tólk tchu âh pérson iú láik. Íf dzêi ar fár auei fromm dzê plêici iú líiv, ráit âh léter. Dzê Pôust Óffiss is uôrking ênd dzêi uíl bi rrépi tchu ricív âh léter frômm iú.
Ái êmm rrépi iú ar dér ênd Ái rrôup iú ar sêiff ênd iór fémili tchúu.
We are living in a complicated world, we have people crying because of their families. Some are just pretending that things are ok.
We need to stay at home, we can't go out with our friends.
Some people lost their job. They are looking for other work, but it's noy easy to find a good job. Some people are working but they are not recieving their salaries, because their companis have no money
We are living in a complicated world,we have people crying because of their families. Some are just pretending that things are okay.
We need to stay at home, we can't go out with our friends.
Some people lost their job. They are looking for order work, but it is not easy to find a good job. Some people are working but they are not receiving they salaries, because they companies heve no money.
We need to keep calm,things will be okay soon. We know the things won't be the same, but we will start a normal life again. If you are feeling alone, please try to talk to person you like. If they are far away from the place you live,write a letter. The Post Office is working and they will be happy to receive a letter from you.
I am happy you are there and i hope you are safe and your family too.