Este tipo de pergunta é muito usado no meio impresso, em jornais e revistas. Observe a pergunta: - Where’s the party? (Onde é a festa?) Se fossemos fazê-la de uma forma mais polida (educada) ficaria assim: - Could you tell me where the party is? (Você poderia me dizer onde é a festa?)
Observe que uma das formas de fazer perguntas indiretas é usar a expressão,
“Could you tell me” seguida pela “WH-question”.
Leia as perguntas indiretas a seguir e as combine com as perguntas diretas.
a) Could you tell me what time it is? ( ) Is Bill at home?
b) Could you tell me how I can get to the post office?
( )Can we park here?
c) Could you tell me if Bill is at home? ( )Do you live in that building?
d) Could you tell me if they arrived late? ( )What time is it?
e) Could you tell me if you live in that building? ( )How can I get to the post office?
f) Could you tell me if we can park here? ( )Did they arrive late?
respondido por:
Leia as perguntas indiretas a seguir e as combine com as perguntas diretas.
a) Could you tell me what time it is? ( C) Is Bill at home?
b) Could you tell me how I can get to the post office?
( F)Can we park here?
c) Could you tell me if Bill is at home? (E )Do you live in that building?
d) Could you tell me if they arrived late? (A )What time is it?
e) Could you tell me if you live in that building? ( B)How can I get to the post office?
f) Could you tell me if we can park here? (D )Did they arrive late?
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