2- works
3- doesn't work
4- likes
5- doesn't speak
6- has
7- studies
8- watches
9- doesn't understand
10- thinks
11- doesn't want
Kate's from Ireland and she's an English teacher in Russia. She lives in st. Petersburg and she works in a language school in the centre of the city. She doesn't work at the weekends because the school is closed. Kate likes Russia, but she doesn't speak Russian very well. She has a Russian class in the morning and she is studies in the evening on her computer. She watches TV at home, but she doesn't understand. She thinks Russia is a fantastic country and she doesn't want to go home.
Presente Simples (Simple Present).
É empregado para expressar:
1- uma ação habitual (rotineira que costumamos fazer ou nunca fazer).
2- uma verdade universal.
Forma afirmativa seguimos os seguintes passos:
Sujeito+ verbo+ complemento.
Na conjugação de verbos, na 3ª pessoa do singular (He, She, It) precisamos acrecentar -s ao verbo para formar o Presente Simples. Os outros pronomes: I, You, We e They são conjugados apenas colocando o verbo no infinitivo sem TO.
Ex: She works in a language school.
Forma Negativa:
A forma negativa do Simple Present é feita com os auxiliares DO ou DOES + not, seguido do verbo principal no infinitivo sem to.
Utiliza-se do not para os Pronomes Pessoais I, You, We, You e They e does not para a 3ª pessoa do singular (He, She, It).
O –s que aparecia nas 3ª pessoas do singular (He, She, It) desaparece na forma negativa.
Podemos também usar as formas abreviadas:
*do not = don’t para I, You, We, You e They.
* does not = doesn’t para He, She, It.
Ex.: She doesn't speak Russian very well