Escreva uma carta a um amigo real ou imaginário, contando SOBRE OS FRASES COMPARATIVAS E SUPERLATIVAS da língua inglesa. a carta deve ter: - Local e Data (1,0) - Vocativo = Destinatário (1,0) - Saudação (1,0) - Interlocução com o destinatário = exposição do conteúdo/do assunto (5,0) - Despedida (1,0) - Assinatura do remetente (1,0) Gente n precisa ser algo muiiiiiito complexo pq minha professora é bem lerdinha
gente pfvrrr juro q dou tds os meus pontos se me mandarem certinhooo
respondido por:
San Diego, California, june,17th,2020
Hello Sara,
I recently moved from Brazil to California,the first thing that I could tell you: Brazil isn't hotter than San Diego, actually the the temperature is almost the same.I'm happier living here, I think this is the easiest way to get things done, although my mom misses me,she felt prouder than my father,I'm glad to move in California,my mother is the strongest woman I know,she get used soon.The most interesting thing here in San Diego is definitely SeaWorld San Diego, is a zoo much bigger than that of sao paulo's zoo and much more beautiful than any zoo that I've been to. I hope your visit soon,so we can go there, you will love!
Best wishes,
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