Pesquise as Formas interrogativas, negativas e afirmativas( INTERROGATIVE, NEGATIVE and AFFIRMATIVE)do Presente Simples e do passado(SIMPLE PRESENT and PAST TENSE) dos verbos TO HAVE, TO LIKE e TO SEE and TO BE).
To Have
Presente Simples
Afirmativa I have a new car and a new house.
Negativa I do not have a new car and a new house.
Interrogativa Do I have a new car and a new house?
Afirmativa Brenda had two kids.
Negativa Brenda did not have two kids.
Interrogativa Did Brenda have two kids?
To Like
Presente Simples
Afirmativa She like him.
Negativa She does not like him.
Interrogativa Does she like him?
Afirmativa You liked the song.
Negativa You did not like the song.
Interrogativa Did you like the song?
To See
Presente Simples
Afrimativa I see that woman every day at that coffee shop.
Negativa I do not see this woman every day in that cafe.
Interrogativa Do I see this woman every day in that cafe?
Afrimativa We saw this as a challenge
Negativa We did not see it as a challenge
Interrogativa Did we see it as a challenge?
To Be
Presente Simples
Afrimativa We are friends.
Negativa We do not are friends.
Interrogativa Do we are friends?
Afrimativa When I was young.
Negativa When I was not young.
Interrogativa Did when I was young?
Obs:Deu trabalho fazer e procurar frases, então espero ter ajudado!! :)