Daniela wants to invite Hannah to do something with her. Look at the plans each girl
has made for vacation week. Write Daniela's questions and Hannah's answers.
b) Daniela: How far is it to go to the mall and visit the museum?
Hannah: With my car, it went a little far. Go fishing with Dad?
c)Daniela: Yes. Could you visit the Art Gallery that is bigger than the museum that you went to.
Hannah: I've heard of it, I'm going on Sunday. This museum is really the biggest.
d) Daniela: How long you do not have dinner with my parents ?
Hannah: How long I don't even know, I want to have more visit moments with your family.
e)Daniela: Could it be a few tourist spots for our tour the city?
Hannah: For sure, the restaurant is open every week I will take them for lunch with grandparents.
Invite your friend to do something with you
f) Our car is very more comfortable?
you: Yes, because he is the biggest
Para fazer essa lição precisa usar a expressão "Would you like"
Ex¹: "Would you like to go
sightseeing this afternoon?" Os termos mais comuns são: 1° Would you like, a few, a little, a lot of, How far, How long, bigger than, happier than, quieter/more quiet than, more comfortable than que são os comparativos, superlativo: biggest, happiest, quietest/ most quiet, most comfortable.
A função da questão
Usar as palavras expostas e usar o termo "Would you like", em questão e resposta.
Espero ter ajudado!! BONS ESTUDOS!!