1) Dê exemplos 12 frases no SIMPLE PRESENT ( 4
frases na afirmativa, 4 frases na negativa e 4 frases na
2) Dê 4 frases com substantivos contaveis e 4 frases
com substantivos incontáveis
3) Dê 9 frases no Futuro. ( 3 frases na afirmativa, 3
frases na negativa e 3 frases na interrogativa)
4) Dê 6 frases usando as roupas ( Clothes) aprendidas
alguém poderia me ajudar??
1) A) I speak english; You are nice; We are friends; They are a couple.
B) I am not ok with this; They are not a couple; We are not friends;
We are not a couple.
C) How are you?; Who are you?; What time is it?; Are you Happy?
2) A) I have two cats; My mom rent a house; He has a dog;
She Has two houses.
B) I have a lot of water; Could you give me some tea?; I love her so much;
She is very beautiful, isn't she?;
3) A) I am gonna play this game; She will stay there tonight; He will be fine.
B) I will not go; She will not stay; He will not be happy.
C) Will you go?; Are you going the party tonight?; Will he be fine?
4) I love wear T-shirts!; Do you like wear shirt?; What a beautiful short!;
Do you like colourful pants?; I need buy a new Jeans.;
I'll put my jacket on.