Circle doesn't or don't to complete each sentence:
a)an astronaut on the international space station doesn't/don't have a lot of free time.
b)astronauts doesn't/don't have work ll day on saturday.
c)an astronaut doesn't/don't have the same schedule every day.
d)we doesn't/don't work on weekends.
e) i doesn't/don't work in a office.
f)my office does't/don't have a window.
g)she doesn't/don't travel for her job.
h)you doesn't/don't have a busy schedule.
A) Doesn't
B) Don't
C) Doesn't
D) Don't
E) Don't
F) Don't
G) Doesn't
H) Don't
a)an astronaut on the international space station doesn't have a lot of free time.
b)astronauts Don't have work ll day on saturday.
c)an astronaut DOESN'T have the same schedule every day.
d)we DON'T work on weekends.
e) i DON'T work in a office.
f)my office Don't have a window.
g)she doen't travel for her job.
h)you Don't have a busy schedule
Quando é pra fazer a escrelha entre Don't e DOESN'T devemos primeiro olhar para o pronome pessoal ou o nome se o pronome pessoal for I,YOU,WE,YOU,THEY nós usamos o DON'T mas se o pronome pessoal for o SHE, HE ou IT usamos o DOESN'T.
Quando o nome(substantivo) se encontra no singular usamos o DOESN'T se o substantivo se encontra no Plural usamos o DON'T.
Espero ter te ajudado.