1- Marque V para alternativas VERDADEIRAS e F para as FALSAS
a) ( )You é um subjetive pronouns.
b) ( ) My é um objetive pronouns.
c) ( ) Are é um pronome indefinido.
d) ( )Is e um verbo usado nas frases no singular
e) ( ) Am é um verbo usado após o pronome I
f) ( ) I é um verbo utilizado após o pronome Am.
g) ( )WE é um pronome subjetivo
h) ( )They é um verbo auxiliar.
De acordo com a frase, circule e responda se o tempo verbal está no presente ou no passado
a You are my friends
b) She was a teacher
c) I am a studant.
d) They were singers
e) He is very handsome
f) I was a teacher.
g) Maria is funny
h) Marcos was inteligente.
3- Complete as frases abaixo com os verbos am, is, are was e were, no presente e no passado:
a) I a actress
b) He a lawyer
c) We a nurses
d) She a studant
4- Grife os pronomes pessoais que aparecem no texto abaixo:
My name is richard, I'm 9 years old, I like video games, I have a dog, and she's very stubborn, last
year she had a lot of puppies they were all naked, but after a while they had a lot of them, and I
could tell the difference between them, I still want more dogs but my mother already said no, do
what, be positive. after last year I have a new life, because I joined my soccer course, and my
father bought a new car too, everyone was happy, I really like my life here at home, at school,
a presente
b passado
c presente
d passado
e presente
f passado
g presente
h passado
a) I am/was a actress
b) He is/was a lawyer
c) We are/were a nurses
d) She is/was a studant
My name is richard, I'm 9 years old, i like video games, i have a dog, and she's very stubborn, last
year she had a lot of puppies they were all naked, but after a while they had a lot of them, and i
could tell the difference between them, i still want more dogs but my mother already said no, do
what, be positive. after last year i have a new life, because I joined my soccer course, and my
father bought a new car too, everyone was happy, i really like my life here at home, at school,
o 1 eu não tenho certeza, por isso não respondi. darei uma olhada nas minhas anotações e volto aqui :)
espero ter ajudado
se algo estiver errado me desculpe