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Cigarette smokers who are having trouble quitting because of nicotine´s addictive power may someday be able to receive a novel antibody-producing vaccine to help them kick the habit.
The avarege cigarette contains about 4.000 differents chemical that-when burned and inhaled -cause the serious health problems associated with smoking. But it is not the nicotine in cigarettes that, like other addictive substances, stimulates rewards center in the brain and hooks somokers to the pleasurable but dangerous routine.
Ronald Crystal, who chair the departament of genetic medicine at Cornell medical college in New York, Where reserchers are developing a nicotine vaccine said the idea is to stimulate the smoker´s immune system to produce antibodies or imune proteins to destroy the nicotine molecule before it reaches the brain
Vocabulary: addiction-vício,smokers-fumantes, trouble-problemas, quitting-deixar-bacause-porque, power-poder, someday-algum dia, receive-receber novel-novo-iniciante, antibody-anticorpo,avarege-média, about-cerca de, when-quando, burned-queimado, inhale-inalado, health-saúde,But-mas, like-como, other-outras, reward-recompensa, brain-cérebro,hooks-prende, pleasurable-prazeroso, dangerous-perigosa, chair-chefe, college-faculdade,reserches-pesquisas, development-desenvolvimento,proteiins-proteínas, reach-alcançar
1) Marque a única alternativa correta sobre o texto: *
A) The avarege cigarette contains about 4000 different chemical that may not cause the serious health problems.
B) Cigarette smokers dont have trouble with nicotine´s addictive power
C) The nicotine in cigarettes doesn´t stimulate reward scenters in the brain
D) The avarege cigarette contains about 4.000 differents chemical that-when burned and inhaled -cause the serious health problems associated with smoking.
E) a novel antibody-producing vaccine maay not help them kick the smoking hhabit
2)Marque a alternativa errada: *
A) In new York reserchers are developing a nicotine vacine
B) Ronald Crystal said the idea of the vacine is to stimulate the smoker´s imune system to produce antibodies or imune proteins to destroy the nicotine molecule before it reaches the brain.
C) The nicotine is the only substance which stimulates rewards center in the brain and hooks somokers to the pleasurable.
D) The avarege cigarette contains about 4000 different chemical that may cause the serious health problems
E) Ronald Crystal is the chair of the departament of genetic medicine at Cornell medical college.
3)Escreva V de verdadeiro e F de falso:
A) The idea of a nicotine vaccine is to stimulate the smoker´s immune system to produce antibodies or imune proteins to destroy the nicotine molecule before it reaches the brain( )
B) Nicotine does not hurt health people.( )
C) Cigarettes smokers do not have troubles quitting the nicotine addiction.( )
D) The avarege cigarette contains about 4.000 differents chemical.( )
E) Cigarette smokers someday be able to receive a novel antibody-producing vaccine to help them kick the habit. ( )
A) V-F-F-V-V
B) F-V-V-F-F
C) V-V-F-F-V
D) F-F-V-F-V
4) Na frase Cigarette smokers someday be able to receive a novel antibody-producing vaccine to help them kick the habit. Podemos substituir be able to por: *
A) May
B) Should
C) Must
D) Can
E) Need
5) Na frase cigarette smokers may receive a novel antibody-producing vaccine to help them kick the habit. May indica: *
A) Habilidade
B) Obrigação
C) Necessidade
D) Possibilidade
E) Dedução
6) Qual verbo modal se aplica na seguinte frase: We are in hospital! you _______ not smoke here! *
2 pontos
A) Can
B) May
C) Should
D) Must
E) Need
7) A frase You should stop smoking,expressa: *
A) Obrigação
B) Dedução
C) Conselho
D) Possibilidade
E) habilidade
respondido por:
1. D
2. C
3. A
4. D
5. D
6. A
7. C
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