por favor citem verbos em ingles e criem frazes por favor no minimo 15 frazes ou verbos
Run - She runs every day
Wake up - He wakes up at 7 am
Go - I have to go!
Look - I’m looking for my dog.
Have - I’ll have a hamburger, please.
Do - we do karatê tougher
Dance - She dances pretty well
Get - Get up! We’re late.
Make - You make me feel special
know - I know everything about you
Take - can I take your order?
See - I can see you
Come - I’m coming with you
Think - It is important to think twice
To allow (permitir, autorizar)
ex: Smoking is not allowed here. (Não é permitido fumar aqui.)
To add ( adicionar)
EX :She added him on Facebook. (Ela o adicionou no Facebook.)
To appear (aparecer)appeared appeared
EX: They appeared on TV. (Eles apareceram na TV.)
To ask (perguntar , pedir)
EX: He asked my name. (Ele perguntou meu nome.)
EX: She asked him to close the door. (Ela pediu para ele fechar a porta.)
To be( ser estar )
EX:I was really tired. (Eu estava muito cansado.)
EX: They were my teachers. (Eles eram meus professores.)
To become (tornar-se)
EX: We became friends. (Nos tornamos amigos.)
To begin (começar)
EX: The film had begun when we arrived. (O filme tinha começado quando chegamos.)
To believe (acreditar)
EX: I believe our team will win. (Eu acredito que nosso time vá ganhar.)
To bring (trazer)
EX: I brought my sister to the party. (Eu trouxe minha irmã para a festa.)
To build (construir)
EX: A new building was built in front of the park. (Foi construído um novo prédio em frente ao parque.)
To buy (comprar)
EX :I need to buy a new bikini. (Preciso comprar um biquíni novo.)
To call (telefonar, chamar)
EX:I will call Mary and invite her for my party. (Vou telefonar para a Mary e convidá-la para a minha festa.)
EX: She called her mom to come see the puppy. (Ela chamou a mãe para vir ver o filhote de cachorro.)
Can (poder; conseguir)
EX: He could ride a bike when he was 3. (Ele conseguia andar de bicicleta aos 3 anos.)
To change (mudar, alterar)
EX : I changed my vacation destiny. (Mudei meu destino de férias.)
To consider (considerar)
EX: I consider him family. (Eu o considero da família.)
os verbos estão no simple past:
Simple Past
To allow -allowed
To add -added
To appear-appeared
To ask- asked
To be - was; were
To become- became
To begin -began
To believe- believed
To bring - brought
To build -built
To buy- bought
To call- called
Can - could
To change - changed
To consider- considered