• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: rodneyerbe39
  • Perguntado 9 anos atrás

alguem consegue bota esse texto para lingua inglesa:

cultura diz respeito a um conjunto de hábitos, comportamentos, valores morais, crenças e símbolos, dentre outros aspectos mais gerais, como forma de organização social, política e econômica que caracterizam uma sociedade. Além disso, os processos históricos são em grande parte responsáveis pelas diferenças culturais, embora não sejam os únicos fatores a se considerar. Isso nos permite afirmar que não existem culturas superiores ou inferiores, mas sim diferentes, com processos históricos também diversos, os quais proporcionaram organizações sociais com determinadas peculiaridades. Dessa forma, podemos pensar na seguinte questão: o que caracteriza a cultura brasileira? Certamente, ela possui suas particularidades quando comparada ao restante do mundo, principalmente quando nos debruçamos sobre um passado marcado pela miscigenação racial entre índios, europeus e africanos.

A cultura brasileira em sua essência seria composta por uma diversidade cultural, fruto dessa aproximação que se desenvolveu desde os tempos de colonização, a qual, como sabemos, não foi, necessariamente, um processo amistoso entre colonizadores e colonizados, entre brancos e índios, entre brancos e negros. Se é verdade que portugueses, indígenas e africanos estiveram em permanente contato, também é fato que essa aproximação foi marcada pela exploração e pela violência impostas a índios e negros pelos europeus colonizadores, os quais a seu modo tentavam impor seus valores, sua religião e seus interesses. Porém, ao retomarmos a ideia de cultura, adotada no início do texto, podemos afirmar que, apesar desse contato hostil num primeiro momento entre as etnias, o processo de mestiçagem contribuiu para a diversidade da cultura brasileira no que diz respeito aos costumes, práticas, valores, entre outros aspectos que poderiam compor o que alguns autores chamam de caráter nacional.


respondido por: EdinaFernanda3
culture refers to a set of habits, behavior, moral values, beliefs and symbols, among other more general aspects as a way of social, political and economic characteristics of a society. Moreover, the historical processes are largely responsible for cultural differences, although not the only factor to consider. This allows us to affirm that there are no superior or inferior cultures, but different, with historical processes also diverse, which provided social organizations with certain peculiarities. Thus, we can think about the following question: what characterizes Brazilian culture? Certainly, it has its peculiarities compared to the rest of the world, particularly when we look back on a past marked by racial miscegenation between Indians, Europeans and Africans.
Brazilian culture in its essence would consist of a cultural diversity, the result of this approach that has developed since the times of colonization, which, as we know, was not necessarily a friendly process between colonizers and colonized, between whites and Indians, among whites and blacks. If it is true that the Portuguese, Indians and Africans were in constant contact, it is also true that this approach was marked by exploitation and violence imposed on Indians and blacks by European settlers, who in their own way tried to impose their values, their religion and their interests. But to resume the idea of ​​culture, adopted at the beginning of the text, we can say that, despite this hostile contact in the first instance between the ethnic groups, the process of miscegenation contributed to the diversity of Brazilian culture with respect to the customs, practices, values, among other aspects that could make up what some authors call the national character.
respondido por: stefanyleite
It allows us to affirm that there are no superior or inferior cultures, but different, with historical processes also diverse, which provided social organizations with certain peculiarities. Thus, we can think about the following question: what characterizes Brazilian culture? Certainly, it has its peculiarities compared to the rest of the world, particularly when we look back on a past marked by racial miscegenation between Indians, Europeans and Africans.
Brazilian culture in its essence would consist of a cultural diversity, the result of this approach that has developed since the times of colonization, which, as we know, was not necessarily a friendly process between colonizers and colonized, between whites and Indians, among whites and blacks. If it is true that the Portuguese, Indians and Africans were in constant contact, it is also true that this approach was marked by exploitation and violence imposed on Indians and blacks by European settlers, who in their own way tried to impose their values, their religion and their interests. But to resume the idea of ​​culture, adopted at the beginning of the text, we can say that, despite this hostile contact in the first instance between the ethnic groups, the process of miscegenation contributed to the diversity of Brazilian culture with respect to the customs, practices, values, among other aspects that could make up what some authors call the national character
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