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The present work has the theme Social and Linguistic Prejudice in the Teaching of Mother Tongue: A look at sociolinguistic and discourse analysis. It was developed seeking to know whether public school students are victims of prejudice related to the linguistic variety that already have their social and family environment and the bias exerted on these students bring in their wake, other prejudices that are characterized by relegating these to the students an education without quality and manipulated so that there is an elite domination not only in the language issue, but also in social life of students. In this sense, this study aims at analyzing whether there are social and linguistic bias in the teaching of mother tongue. We opted for a qualitative descriptive approach was developed with a literature review and then a field survey with a questionnaire to ten high school students from a state school in the city of New Gamma-GO and two Portuguese teachers who teach in high school in the same school. With the purpose to understand and answer the questions that arise before and during the research process, providing through its results if there really is this social and linguistic bias in the teaching of mother tongue. In short we can say that there is indeed bias and that this language comes from a social prejudice disguised in a speech that was not palpable in improvements to the school. It is necessary, therefore, to seek to reduce the differences between those who speak the standard language and who speak the other language variations bringing them to school life and providing quality education so they do not feel the margin of society, showing them which are also important in the educational process.
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