Verbo existir no presente e no passado there is/ there are there was/ there were . Construir frases utilizando os verbos existir no passado e no presente . Produza um texto com o conteúdo proposto
There is a pencil on the desk
There are books on the desk
There was a dessert on the fridge
There were two pieces of pie on the fridge
A long time ago there were many species on earth that nowadays no longer exist. Currently there are species that are at risk of extinction, and we have to do everything possible to protect them with the resources that are available. Only then will we be able to protect our planet, so that the next generations can have a good future.
THERE IS = Há no singular, exemplo:
There is a book
Há um livro
THERE ARE = Há no plural, exemplo:
There are four (4) books
Há quatro (4) livros
THERE WAS = Havia no singular, exemplo:
There was a cat
Havia um gato
THERE WERE = Havia no plural, exemplo:
There were four (4) cats
Havia quatro (4) gatos