• Matéria: Inglês
  • Autor: danielfelipesaporiti
  • Perguntado 6 anos atrás

02) Qual é a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase “__________ your mother __________ to Rio last week?” no Simple Past? * 2 pontos a) Does – travel. b) Did – travel c) Did – traveled d) Do - traveled 03) De acordo com o estudo dos verbos irregulares no passado, marque a alternativa que tenha uma frase correta no Simple Past. * 2 pontos a) I haved a terrible headache an hour ago.(to have)a) I haved a terrible headache an hour ago.(to have) b) We done our homework last class. (to do) c) They ated a hot dog. (to eat) d) She made a delicious cake yesterday. (to make) 04) Qual é a forma negativa da frase “He studied Biology at UnB”. * 2 pontos a) He not did study Biology at UnB. b) He didn’t studied Biology at UnB. c) He didn’t study Biology at UnB. d) He not studied Biology at UnB. 05) Qual é a forma interrogativa da frase “He studied Biology at UnB”. * 2 pontos a) He not did study Biology at UnB ? b) He didn’t studied Biology at UnB ? c) Did they study Biology at UnB d) Did he study Biology at UnB ? 06) Qual é a forma interrogativa da frase “Mario spoke English very well”? * 2 pontos a) Mario speak English very well? b) Did Mario speak English very well ? c) Did Mario spoke English very well? d) Mario spoke English very well? 07) Qual é a resposta correta para a pergunta: “Did they like it?”? * 2 pontos a) Yes, you did. b) No, they like not c) No, I didn’t d) Yes, they did 08) Observe as frases abaixo: I – They arrived at the theater at 9 o’clock. ll – I saw him a year ago. III – She is my best friend. lV – Mary slept 12 hours yesterday Quantas frases estão no Simple Past? * 2 pontos a) uma b) duas c) três d) quatro 09) Qual é o passado dos verbos: to take – to change – to carry – to write? * 2 pontos a) took – changed – carried – wrote. b) taked – changed – carryed - writed c) taked – changeed – carried – written. d) took – changeed – carryed - wrote 10) De acordo com o estudo do Simple Past, quantos verbos regulares estão destacados na frase “He stopped at the traffic lights, waited and began to drive through the main road”? * 2 pontos a) nenhum b) um c) dois d) três 11) TEXTO 1 Alfred Hitchcock ........ the “master of suspense”.He ……. A British film-maker. His films ……….frightening and the two famous films ……..: “The Thirty-nine Steps” and “ Psycho” . He ……… eighty when he died. As formas verbais que preenchem, respectivamente, as lacunas do texto com o passado do verbo TO BE são: * 2 pontos a) was, was, were, was, was. b) was, was, were, were, was c) were, was, were, was, was. d) were, were, was, was 12) ________ Peter ________ chess last weekend? * 2 pontos a)Did /played b) Do/ play c) Did / play d) Did / plaied 13) Where ______ she last week? * 2 pontos a) were b) was c) is d) are 14) Peter _____________ at home last night. * 2 pontos a) wasn’t b) weren’t c) did d) is 15) _________ they ______ their homework yesterday? * 2 pontos a) Was / do b) Did / do c) Did / did d) Were / did GENTE SE PUDEREM AJUDA AGRADEÇO


respondido por: laurademelouni


"Did your mother traveled to Rio last week?" ( c) )


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